1 The Influence of Achievement Motivation and
Attributional Beliefs on EFL Learning Strategy
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Aims of the Study
1.1.2 Terminology
1.2 Related Previous Studies and Findings
1.2.1 Studies of Learning Strategies
1.2.2 Motivation and Strategy Use
1.2.3 Attribution and Strategy Use
1.3 Methodology
1.3.1 Subjects
1.3.2 Instrumentation
1.3.3 Data Collection and AnaIysis Procedures
1.4 Data Analyses and Findings
1.4.1 Typical Types of Learning Strategies
and Variation in Strategy Use by
1.4.2 Do Different Levels of Achievement
Motivation Have an Effect on the Use
of Learning Stra tegies ?
1.4.3 The Best Predictors' of Learning
Strategies in Relation to the
Attributional Beliefs and
Causal Models of Learning
Strategies Based on Attributional
1.5 Discussions and Implications
1.5.1 Discussions
1.5.2 Implications
1.6 Summary
2 A Relationship Study of English Learning
Strategies, Learning Styles and English
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Research Background
2.1.2 Research Purposes
2.1.3 Hypotheses
2.1.4 Definitions
2.2 Previous Studies on Learning Strategies
2.2.1 Oxford's CLassification of
Learning Strategies
2.2.2 Psychological Types
2.2.3 Relationship Between MBTI and
Language Learning
2.2.4 Findings of Relevant Factors
Influencing English Learning