卡尔·李·赫利是密西西比州一个小镇的黑人工人,他的女儿被两个白人种族主义者抢劫和蹂躏了。为了替女儿报仇,他四处查找凶手,他不相信法律会为黑人主持公正,找到那两个凶手后便把他们杀了,然后投案自首。雄心勃勃的年轻律师杰克·布里根斯被指派为赫利辩护。一石激起千层浪,黑人枪杀白人的这起案子在当地引发了大规模的骚乱,三K党也趁机死灰复燃。 在杰克最需要帮助的时候,女大学生艾伦·罗克坚决地站在杰克一边,帮助赫利,他们认为真正的罪犯不是赫利,而是那两个白人。
The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young men. The mostly white town of Clanton in Ford County, Mississippi, reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle and takes justice into his own outraged hands.
For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client"s life...and then his own.