The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) are, by universal consent, Mark Twain's two best and most famousnovels. But, although Tom and Huck are thought of as a pair and" the second book is a sequel to the first, the latter picking up the action right where the former ends it, most critics have stressed the differences between the two books, always to the detriment of Tom SawYer. No doubt they have a point. Huckleberry Finn is a greater novel than Tom Sawyer.
From playing pirates on a deserted island to attending his own "funeral." from exploring a bat-filled under-ground cave to digging for treasure in a haunted house, Tom Sawyer is a genius at getting himself and his friends into and out of sometimes dangerous adventures.
When he and his pal, Huck Finn. stumble on a midnight murder, Tom almost meets his match in evil Injun Joe. Joe has hidden a golden, ill-gotten treasure thatTom means to find. if oe doesn"t get him first!
The Life of Mark Twain
Author"s Preface
Chapter ! Tom Plays, Fights, and Hides
Chapter 2 The Glorious Whitewasher
Chapter 3 Busy at War and Love
Chapter 4 Showing Off in Sunday School
Chapter 5 The Pinch Bug and His Prey
Chapter 6 Tom Meets Becky
Chapter 7 Tick-Running and a Heartbreak
Chapter 8 A Prate Bold To Be
Chapter 9 Tragedy in the Graveyard
Chapter 10 Dire Prophecy of the Howling Dog
Chapter 11 Conscience Racks Tom
Chapter 12 The Cat and the Painkiller
Chapter 13 The Pirate Crew Set Sail
Chapter 14 Happy Camp of the Freebooters
Chapter 15 Tom"s Stealthy Visit Home
Chapter 16 First Pipes--"I"ve Lost My Knife"
Chapter 17 Pirates at Their Own Funeral
Chapter 18 Tom Reveals His Dream Secret
Chapter 19 The Cruelty of "I Didn"t Think""
Chapter 20 Tom Takes Becky"s Punishment
Chapter 21 Eloquence----and the Master"s
Gilded Dome
Chapter 22 Huck Finn Quotes Scripture
Chapter 23 The Salvation of Muff Potter
Chapter 24 Splendid Days and. Fearsome Nights
Chapter 25 Seeking the Buried Treasure
Chapter 26 Real Robbers Seize the Box of Gold
Chapter 27 Trembling on the Trail
Chapter 28 In the Lair of Injun Joe
Chapter 29 Huck Saves the Widow
Chapter 30 Tom and Becky in the Cave
Chapter 31 Found and Lost Again
Chapter 32 "Turn Out! They"re Found!"
Chapter 33 The Fate of Injun Joe
Chapter 34 Floods of Gold
Chapter 35 Respectable Huck Joins the Gang