As an integrated part of Total Landscape Elements in Urban Landscapes, Equipment refers to all of the practical necessities which hold the landscape together and help it to function. Beyond earth, water, and rock forms which replicate nature, and planting which binds all together, there is furnishing -- seats, tables -- and play equipment -- for children and adults -- which occupies space which people use, and structues -- shelters from sun, rain, and wind, and screens for privacy. All of these are parts of the landscape architecture which gives form to outdoor space. Equipment includes all of those systems which require connections,contorls, and outlets that may be conspicuous in themselves...
Introduction: Landscape Equipement
Word From The Supervisor: Landscape Facilities and Equipment
Preface: Landscape Distance
Today’s Interpretation of the Japanese Garden Isao Nakase
Chapter 1. Total Landscape Design and Equipment: The Concept
Japanese Garden in Canada, Edomonton
Jardin Japonais du Jardin Arbert Kahn
Frogunar Park in Kongeriket Norge
Okazaki Casle Park, Tea Room and Fountains
Hikichi-gawa River Natural Waterscape Park District
Komatsugawa River & Sakaigawa River Water Park
Hisaya-odori, Street Park of Nagoya City
Kuramoto-toori Street, and Central Park of Kure City
Art Avenue, Minoo City Onohara
MM21 Port Park, Yokohama
Shuzenji’s "Niji-no-Sato" Park
Ako Seaside Park
Michinoku Lakewood National Government Park
Kashiwa-no-ha (Oak Leaves), Chiba Prefectural Park
Atsumi Flower Village
Pyramidal Factory of Young Corp., in Chitose
Sagae Dam
Agigawa Dam
Special Contribution / Japanese American Historical Plaza
Chapter 2. Total Landscape Design and Equipment Multifarious Roles
Playing and Equipment
Park and Equipment
Cultural and Educational Facilities and Equipment
Sport Facilities and Equipment
Observatory and Outdoor Stage
Street and Equipment
Bridges and Equipment
Manmade Foundation and Equipment
Monument and Equipment
Garden and Equipment