内容推荐 《汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童关系从句习得研究》对汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童关系从句的理解、产出和重复进行了系统的研究,在生成语法框架下提出了“边缘特征不明示假说”,比较全面地解释了汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童在关系从句习得中表现出的句法知识损伤,对相关学科研究具有重要的理论意义。同时,《汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童关系从句习得研究》对推动汉语病理语言学的发展、生成语法在语言障碍研究中的应用,以及汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童的诊断鉴别和干预治疗具有重要的指导意义。未来研究可探究汉语特殊型语言障碍儿童其他复杂结构的习得状况,验证假说的有效性。 目录 List of Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1 General Introduction 1.1Background of the research 1.2The significance of the research 1.3Motivation of the research 1.4Organization of the book Chapter 2 The Theoretical Issues 2.1The syntax of Mandarin RCs 2.2Accounts for the deficit in children with SLI 2.2.1Representational Accounts 2.2.2Processing accounts 2.2.3Procedural Deficit Hypothesis 2.3Research hypothesis 2.3.1The edge feature underspecification hypothesis 2.3.2Why the edge Features 2.3.3Predictions of the hypothesis 2.4Summary Chapter 3 The Production of Relative Clauses 3.1Previous studies on the production of head-initial RCs in TD children 3.2Previous studies on the production of Mandarin RCs in TD children 3.3Previous studies on the production of RCs in children with SLI 3.3.1Impairment in syntactic movement 3.3.2Impairment in thematic assignment 3.3.3Impaired implicit learning mechanisms 3.3.4The Animacy of the Relative Clause head 3.3.5The passive object relative clause 3.4Condition 1 of experiment 1:Reversible subject and object RCs 3.4.1Method 3.4.2Results 3.4.3Discussion 3.5Condition 2 of experiment 1:Reversible passive object R Cs 3.5.1Research questions 3.5.2Method 3.5.3Results 3.5.4Discussion 3.6Condition 3 of experiment 1:Irreversible subject and object RCs 3.6.1Research questions 3.6.2Method 3.6.3Results 3.6.4Discussion 3.7Experiment 2:Priming production task 3.7.1Research questions 3.7.2Method 3.7.3Results 3.7.4Discussion 3.8Summary Chapter 4 The Comprehension of Relative Clauses 4.1Previous studies on the Relative Clause comprehension in TD children 4.2Previous studies on the Relative Clause comprehension in children with SLI …… Chapter 5 The Repetition of Relative Clauses Chapter 6 General Discussion Conclusion References Appendices Acknowledgments |