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编辑推荐 "欧美大家倾情打造,中国原创世界共享。 杨红樱献给全世界孩子爱的礼物。 杨红樱作为文化传承者,伴随一代又一代儿童成长。 双语国际馆将双语有机结合,是当下孩子的专属。 原汁原味的标配朗读,开放思维,接壤世界。 法式插图与美文并茂,陶冶心智,放眼未来。 重点词条:教育部规定小学三年级必会英语词汇
1.作者知名度高:杨红樱是中国新世纪具有广泛影响力的作家。畅销图书众多,总销量超过1.3亿册,创造了中国原创童书的销售奇迹和中国儿童的阅读神话。 2.2018年度国标版:杨红樱中英双语国际馆是今年杨红樱老师为孩子提供的*好的国际版本,该版本向全世界发行。让中国的孩子因童话学好英语,让外国的孩子因童话认识中国,学习中文。 3.推陈出新,附加值提升:插图严选备受赞誉的法国画家让孩子在阅读的同时提升美感认知,得以艺术熏陶。附带原汁原味的英文朗读音频,多浸泡多模仿,用童话爱上英语。定向指引:英文部分重点标注教育部规定小学三年级必会单词。绿色环保印刷。
一个童书作家*的收获、*幸福的收获,就是通过她的作品,让孩子爱上阅读,这也是一个童书作家*起码的责任。希望通过这套中英双语童话选本,让孩子们从喜欢读杨红樱老师的童话,到喜欢读英文,逐步养成阅读英文文学作品的习惯。本书配有纯正发音的英文朗读音频,这对学生来说很有必要。朗读会让我们沉浸在美好的文学情境中,共度一段美好的阅读时光。 内容推荐 亲爱的笨笨猪---欢乐村庄有只小猪,妈妈叫他乐乐乐,大家都叫他笨笨猪。笨笨猪在快乐学校读书,因为总是把字母和数字读成食物,还左右不分,闹了不少笑话。但一场跑步比赛让体育老师鸵鸟惊讶地发现,笨笨猪一点也不笨:他知道诚实比输赢更重要。 笨笨猪对谁都很友好,总是鼓励别的小伙伴,喜欢助人为乐。慢慢的,狗汪汪、猫咪咪、白兔姐妹、乖乖熊等小伙伴都成为他的好朋友,他们在一起玩耍,发生了很多有趣的事情。 春天的野餐会上,红狐狸来捣乱,笨笨猪刚把掉进陷阱的小伙伴救上来,自己却掉进去了,朋友们拉不动他好着急…… 笨笨猪还和乖乖熊一起盖了一座巧克力饼屋,进屋睡觉的小伙伴都会做香香甜甜的好梦。有一天来了两只想偷吃饼屋的老鼠,笨笨猪却向乖乖熊保证他们不会偷吃…… 因为有了笨笨猪,欢乐村庄里总是充满了欢乐的气氛! 寻找快活林---狐狸先生从乌鸦太太那里骗来了咸肉,狐狸太太声称葡萄是酸的从而达到了独霸葡萄的目的,狐狸一家三口美美地享受着咸肉配葡萄早餐。可是,吃着吃着,狐狸太太吃不下去了,她觉得一天到晚算计别人心里不快活!” 狐狸先生说梦到了一个叫快活林的地方,在那里,所有的人都过得非常快活。狐狸一家立刻出发去寻找快活林。在森林里,狐狸一家强占了毛猴的家,还把所有蘑菇都据为己有。当兔妈妈告诫小狐狸不要采摘彩色的毒蘑菇时,狐狸夫妻认为兔妈妈是想把这些美丽的蘑菇留给自己,于是专门采摘了一大筐鲜艳的彩色蘑菇,回家煮汤吃。狐狸一家的命运如何呢?找到快活林的那一刻真的是意料之外! 优选听的声音---在打鼓国,从国王到全国的老百姓都喜欢鼓。所以这个国家的小公主,在鼓声中出生,在鼓声中长大。当小公主到了出嫁的 目录 亲爱的笨笨猪---笨笨猪不笨 1 “木头人游戏” 11 生日晚会 18 鸡妈妈孵鸭蛋 26 一朵五彩的云 33 春天的野餐会 43 老仙树 51 小骡子是谁的孩子 60 巧克力饼屋 67 天冷要盖房 73 Silly Piglet is not so Silly 85 A Game of Wooden Statues 95 The Birthday Party 103 Mother Hen Hatches a Duckling 114 A Bunch of Colorful Clouds 123 A Spring Picnic 132 The Old Immortal Tree 142 Little Mule, Where are Your Parents? 152 The Chocolate Cookie House 161 When Winter Comes It’s Time for a New House 168 寻找快活林---序1 序2
寻找快活林 1 做梦的房子 11 魔力 19 风雨小屋 25 粉红信封 29 一片树叶,两只蚂蚁 34 金瓜汤银瓜汤 40 小红船儿摇啊摇 46 The Forest of Happiness 57 The House of Dreams 66 Miss Black pig’s Charm 72 The Little House in the Storm 77 Pink Envelopes 81 One Leaf, Two Ants 87 Gold Melon Soup, Silver Melon Soup 93 Red Boat 101 英文朗诵 / [ 美 ] 约翰尼斯 108 英文朗诵 / [ 美 ] 杰西卡·戴维斯 110 漂亮妈妈 / 王若曦 112 优选听的声音---序一 序二 木房子花房子 1 猫小花和鼠小灰 9 追赶太阳的小白鼠 15 优选听的声音 36 乖乖兔找朋友 45 蚂蚁球 52 荷叶上的晚餐 59 House of Wood, House of Flowers 69 The Best of Friends 74 The Little White Mouse Who Chased the Sun 79 The Most Beautiful Sound 95 Bunny Tries to Make Friends 103 The Ant Ball 109 Dinner on the Lotus Leaf 114 英文朗诵 / [ 美 ] 约翰尼斯 119 英文朗诵 / [ 美 ] 杰西卡·戴维斯 121 杨红樱深度访谈 / 李虹 杨红樱 123内文选摘 精彩页 木房子花房子
雪天里,大灰狼肚子饿得咕咕叫,在山坡上遇见一只小白兔。小 白兔跑呀,跑呀,跑进林子里。大灰狼追呀,追呀,追到林子里。 小白兔跑到一座小木房里,把门关得紧紧的。 砰!砰!砰! 大灰狼拼命打着门,“开门,开门,快开门!” 小白兔却在房子里面使劲喊 :“不开,不开,就不开!” 大灰狼气得张牙又舞爪,“好好听着,小小白兔,我要吃掉你!” “你吃不着!你吃不着!” 大灰狼气得一头向小木房的门撞去。 “哎哟— ”大灰狼的头撞起了一个大包。 他转过身来,见小白兔堆的一个雪娃娃正咧着嘴笑。 “胆大的雪娃娃,你敢笑我!”他飞起一脚,向雪娃娃踢去。 冻得像钢铁一般硬的雪娃娃反倒伤了大灰狼的脚。 “哎哟— ”大灰狼吊着一只脚在地上乱跳。小白兔在木房里哈哈 笑。 “你等着,小小白兔,总有一天我要吃掉你!” 大灰狼叫喊着,瘸着一条腿走了。
春天到了,一根花藤绕着木房子缠呀,缠呀,缠满了木房子,绽 出密密的花苞,开出密密的花朵,引得蜜蜂来,引得蝴蝶来。 雪娃娃也慢慢地融化了,化作一塘水,成了几只黄毛鸭的乐园。 小白兔也长大了,他脱下小白袄,换上灰衣衫,成了一只灰兔子。 大灰狼一觉醒来,想起了小白兔,想起了雪娃娃,气得肚子鼓起 来,像个大皮球。 “我得找他们算账去!” 大灰狼一口气跑到林子里,他要找到那座木房子,他要找到那个 雪娃娃。 找呀,找呀,林子里没有了木房子,也没有了雪娃娃。只有一座 花房子,蜜蜂在那里采蜜,蝴蝶在那里跳舞,旁边还有一个小水塘, 几只黄毛鸭在里面游来游去。 “奇怪奇怪真奇怪!”大灰狼挠挠耳朵拍拍头,“木房子是在这里 的,雪娃娃也是在这里的,怎么都不见了呢?” 他问蜜蜂和蝴蝶 :“你们看见这里有一座木房子吗?” “没看见!没看见!”蜜蜂和蝴蝶回答道,“我们只看见这里有一 座花房子。”
他又问黄毛鸭 :“你们看见这里有一个雪娃娃吗?” “没看见!没看见!”黄毛鸭回答道,“我们只看见这里有一个小 水塘。” “那么,你们有没有看见一只小白兔?” “没看见小白兔,只看见一只灰兔子。” “他在哪儿?” 黄毛鸭指指花房子,“他住在里面。看,他出来了!” 灰兔一见大灰狼,虽然心里很害怕,可是他已经长大了,变得勇 敢和沉着。他走到大灰狼跟前,“你好,大灰狼,你找谁?” “我找一只小白兔。” “我们这儿没有一只小白兔呀!”灰兔装出热心的样子,“他住在 什么地方呀?” 大灰狼说 :“他住在一座木房子里,旁边还有一个雪娃娃。” “木房子?”灰兔摇摇头,“我们这儿只有花房子、小水塘,没有 木房子、雪娃娃,你快到别处去找找吧!” “对,我得快快去找。”大灰狼一溜烟跑了。一边跑,一边对自己 说 :“我一定要找到那座木房子。哈哈,小白兔,你跑不掉了!” 灰兔笑呀笑呀,笑痛了肚子。他对远去的大灰狼大声喊道 :“大灰 狼,你真是一只大笨狼!” “大灰狼—大笨狼!” “大灰狼—大笨狼!” 小水塘里的黄毛鸭也嘎嘎地叫个不停。
One snowy day, a grey wolf went out searching for food, his stomach grumbling as he searched for tracks.
He spotted a small, white rabbit on the hill and chased him into the forest. The rabbit ran as fast as his little legs would take him and escaped into a small, wooden house.
“Bang! Bang! Bang!” The wolf slammed his paw on the door. “Open the door!” he shouted. “I’m going to tear you apart and eat you for dinner!”
“No way!” replied the rabbit. “You’ll never catch me! Never!”
“Ha-ha! We’ll see!” said the grey wolf. After taking a few steps back, he ran for-ward and rammed his head against the door. “Yow!” he cried. A large knot grew on his
forehead but the door stayed closed.
The wolf grew angry and frustrated. He turned around and saw a snowman the rabbit had made. The snowman grinned at him mock-ingly.
“How dare you laugh at me!” the wolf growled, and threw a ferocious kick at him.
However, the grey wolf didn’t realize that the snowman had turned into ice from the freezing, wintry weather. It’s soft sides were now as hard as steel.
“Ow! Ow! That hurts!” the wolf moaned hopping around on one leg.
The rabbit burst out laughing from inside his house, “Ha-ha-ha!”
The wolf grew angrier and more frustrat-ed. “You just wait little rabbit! I’ll be back!” he yelled and limped away. When spring came, a climbing rose vine slowly grew around the wooden house until it covered the entire structure with beautiful tiny buds. Attracted by the scent of the flowers, bees and butterf lies happily swarmed aroundthe house.
The snowman slowly softened, and soon melted into a small pond. Some f luffy ducklings came and spent their time frolicking in his wa-tery remains.
Meanwhile, the rabbit grew up. She shed her thick white coat and was now wearing a beautiful grey shirt.
One spring morning, the wolf awoke and remembered the little white rabbit with the wooden house. His stomach gurgled. “It’s time to take my revenge!” he growled angrily.
He went back into the forest and searched everywhere for the wooden house. But all that he could find was a house of flowers surround-ed by bees and butterflies, with a small pond next to it full of yellow ducklings.
The grey wolf was confused. “That’s strange! The wooden house and the snow-man stood right here before! Where have they gone?”
“Excuse me, have you seen a wooden house somewhere around here?” he asked the bees and butterflies.
“No, we haven’t. All that we see is the lit-tle house of flowers!” they replied.
“Excuse me, have you seen a snowman
somewhere around here?” he asked the duck-lings.
The little ducklings shook their heads. “No, we haven’t. All that we see is this nice small pond!”
“What about a little white rabbit, then?” “We’ve never seen a little white rabbit, but
we know a big grey rabbit!”
“Where does the grey rabbit live?”
“Over there!” The ducklings pointed to the house of flowers.
The grey rabbit saw the wolf coming. He felt a twinge of fear, but he stayed calm and collected. “Hello, Mr. Grey Wolf. Who are you looking for?” he asked with a firm voice.
“I’m looking for a little white rabbit,” an-swered the wolf.
“Well, as far as I know, there isn’t any lit-tle white rabbit around here. Do you happen to know where he lives?” asked the rabbit, seem-ing concerned.
“He lives in a wooden house with a snow-man standing next to it,” said the grey wolf. “A wooden house and a snowman? Hmmm…
I don't know of any house like that around
here...” replied the rabbit thoughtfully. “We only have a house of flowers and a small pond. Why don’t you go deeper into the woods and have a look,” he suggested.
“You’re right! I’ll be on my way!” agreed the grey wolf. He turned around and left.
Convinced that the wooden house was in another place, he felt more confident than ever that he would find it. “Ha-ha, you just wait little white rabbit! I’m coming for you now!” grinned the wolf evilly. He ran off into woods as fast as he could in search of the little white rabbit.
“What a silly wolf! Sooo, silly!” howled the grey rabbit.
“Quack! Quack! Quack! Sooo, silly!” echoed the ducks playing in the pond. |