内容推荐 本报告是《中亚能源互联网研究与展望》的英文版。 本报告是亚洲能源互联网研究系列成果之一,深度剖析了各国资源条件、经济社会以及能源电力现状与发展趋势,提出了清洁能源基地与区域能源互联网建设方案,评估能源互联网投资规模。内容共分7章:章介绍中亚经济社会和能源电力发展现状,分析中亚实现可持续发展和能源转型具有的优势和面临的挑战,提出能源互联网发展思路。第2章展望中亚能源电力转型发展趋势,综合考虑资源、人口、经济、产业、技术、气候和环境等因素,提出能源电力预测情景,能源供应向清洁方向发展,消费向电为中心方向发展,清洁能源装机规模快速提升,电力供应向清洁化和多元化方向发展。第3章综合风、光、降水等气候数据以及地理信息、地物覆盖等数据,研究中亚清洁能源资源分布和大型发电基地布局。第4章根据清洁能源资源禀赋和空间分布,以及各国家的特点与定位,分析区域电力流向,研究提出电网互联总体格局和互联方案。第5章评估构建中亚能源互联网带来经济、社会、环境等综合效益。第6章展望实现优选1.5摄氏度温控目标的中亚能源电力清洁发展路径与情景方案。第7章提出中亚能源互联网建设的相关政策建议。 目录 Preface Study Region Summary 1Development in Central Asia / 01 1.1Economy and Society / 02 1.1.1Macro Economy / 02 1.1.2Humanity and Society / 06 1.1.3Regional Cooperation / 08 1.1.4Development Policy / 08 1.2Energy and Power / 09 1.2.1Energy Development / 09 1.2.2Power Development / 13 1.3Sustainable Development Ideas / 16 1.3.1Development Concept of Global Energy Interconnection / 16 1.3.2Central Asian Energy Interconnection Promotes Sustainable Development in the Region / 18 2Energy and Power Development Trend and Outlook / 21 2.1Energy Demand / 22 2.1.1Primary Energy / 22 2.1.2Final Energy / 24 2.2Power Demand / 28 2.2.1Drivers of Power Demand Growth / 28 2.2.2Power Demand Outlook / 28 2.3Power Supply / 31 3Development Layout of Clean Energy Resources / 35 3.1Distribution of Clean Energy Resources / 36 3.1.1Hydro Energy / 36 3.1.2Wind Energy / 37 3.1.3Solar Energy / 38 3.2Layout of Clean Energy Bases / 40 3.2.1Hydropower Bases / 40 3.2.2Wind Power Bases / 40 3.2.3Solar Power Bases / 41 4Power Grid Interconnection / 43 4.1Power Flow / 44 4.1.1Balance of Supply and Demand / 45 4.1.2Power Flow Scheme / 46 4.2Grid Interconnection / 48 4.2.1Overall Pattern / 48 4.2.2Interconnection Scheme / 50 4.3Key Interconnection Projects / 52 4.4Investment Estimation / 56 4.4.1Investment Estimation Principle / 56 4.4.2Investment Estimation Results / 57 5Comprehensive Benefits / 59 5.1Economic Benefits / 60 5.2So Benefits / 60 5.3Environmental Benefits / 61 5.4Political Benefits / 63 6Development Outlook of Achieving the 1.5℃ Temperature Control Target / 65 6.1Implementation Paths / 66 6.1.1Clean Replacement / 66 6.1.2Electricity Replacement / 67 6.1.3Carbon Sequestration and Reduction / 68 6.2Scenarios and Schemes / 68 6.2.1Energy Demand / 68 6.2.2Power Demand / 70 6.2.3Power Supply / 72 6.2.4Power Grid Interconnection / 74 6.2.5Comparative Analysis / 74 Policy and Mechanism / 77 References / 80 |