内容推荐 本书用英文写就,作者首先在“阐释域境下的儒家自然宇宙论”一章中综述对儒家典籍、核心概念及翻译的认识,再精选汇编了《易经》《大学》《论语》《孟子》《中庸》《孝经》《五行篇》《墨子》及《荀子》共九部先秦时期儒家哲学文献的代表性篇目,以汉英对照的方式给出文献原文和英文翻译,并就每一部分的核心概念和思想进行评述。全书内容详实,翻译考究,评述精细,资料丰富。 作者另辟蹊径,从中西比较哲学的角度切入,将中西哲学思想放到各自的文化语义环境中进行比照、理解和阐释,并采用阐释为主、翻译为辅的方法重译中国先秦儒家哲学典籍,尽力使译文契合原文思想,再现原文语言文化特色和中国哲学术语内涵。本书的宗旨是纠正西方社会对中国哲学的误读,还中国哲学思想以本来面貌,对中国典籍翻译和跨文化传播具有重要意义。 目录 INTRODUCTION CONFUCIAN NATURAL COSMOLOGY: AN INTERPRETIVE CONTEXT Interpretive Assumptions Philosophy of Culture: Change and Persistence Distinguishing Confucian Cosmology from Greek Transcendentalism Power and Creativity Contrasting Confucian Zoetology with Greek Ontology A Chinese Cosmology with "Its Own Causality and Its Own Logic" Shi : An Aesthetic Alternative to the Logic of "Things" and to an "External Causality" Genealogical Cosmogony and Its "Epistemogony" Qi as a Moral Cosmology A Thick Generalization: Distinguishing "Events" from "Objects" A Thick Generalization: Distinguishing "Phases" from "Elements" Vital Qi as Functional Structure and Structured Function A Human "Being" or Human "Becomings"? Defining a World by Association The Book of Changes : A Cosmological Vocabulary Tang Junyi ) and the Philosophical Implications of a Qi Cosmology THE CANONICAL TEXTS: SELECTED PASSAGES I. THE BOOK OF CHANGES (YIJING): A PROCESS COSMOLOGY II. THE EXPANSIVE LEARNING (DAXUE): SETTING THE CONFUCIAN PROJECT The Expansive Learning: Part 1 The Expansive Learning: Part 2 The Expansive Learning: Part 3 III. THE ANALECTS (LUNYU ): A BASIC CONFUCIAN VOCABULARY Cultivating One's Person (xiushen 4) III. 1 Cherishing Learning (haoxue): A Confucian Philosophy of Education III.2 A Joyful Wisdom (zhi) III.3 Virtuosity (de) III.4 Doing Your Utmost (zhong) and Making Good on Your Word (xin -) III.5 Putting Oneself in the Other's Place Through Dramatic Rehearsal (shu) Setting the Family Right (qijia) III.6 Reverencing Family (xiao) III.7 Consummate Conduct/Persons in Roles and Relations (ren) III.8 Seeking Optimal Appropriateness in Roles and Relations (yi) III.9 Aspiring to Ritual Propriety in Roles and Relations III.10 The Making of Music (yue) Bringing Proper Order to the State (zhiguo) III.11 Using Names Properly (zhengming 5E) III.12 Exemplary Persons (junzi) and Scholar-Officials (shi) III.13 Harmony as an Optimizing Symbiosis (he) III.14 Making Friends (you) III.15 Governing Properly (zheng) Effecting Peace in the World (pingtianxia) III.16 Human Way-Making (rendao Jkgg) III.17 Confucius: One Special Person Extending the Proper Way (dao) III.18 A Family-Centered Religiousness (tian) IV. THE MENCIUS (MENGZI ii-): EXTENDING THE VOCABULARY IV.1 An Interpretive Context for Reading the Mencius IV.2 Continuing on the Way of Confucius IV.3 The Vocabulary of Mencius's Moral Sensorium IV.4 Role Politics and Consummate Governing (renzheng) IV.5 Maintaining Tian's Mandate (tianming) V.THE FOCUSING THE FAMILIAR ( ZHONGONG): THE HIGHEST EXPRESSION OF THE CONFUCIAN PROJECT V.1 Chapter 1 : The Confucian Project: "The Continuity Between and Inseparability of the Human and the Cosmic Orders" (tianrenheyi) V.2 Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8: Explaining the Term zhongyong) V.3 Chapter 12: The Proper Way of Exemplary Persons (junzi) V.4 Chapter 15: Family as the Trailhead of the Proper Way (dao) V.5 Chapter 17: The Cosmic and the Human as a Contrapuntal Dynamic V.6 Chapter 19: Effecting Order Through Family Reverence (xiao) V.7 Chapter 21 : The Foundational and the Creative Aspects of Education V.8 Chapter 25: Resolve (cheng) as a Collaborative and Reflexive Creativity V.9 Chapter 30: Confucius as a Force of Nature V.10 Chapter 31: Optimal Sagacity (zhisheng) V.11 Chapter 32: Optimal Resolve (zhicheng) V.12 Chapter 33: The Book of Songs (Shijing) as a Confucian "Ode to Joy" VI. THE CLASSIC OF FAMILY REVERENCE (XIAOJING): THE PRIME CONFUCIAN MORAL IMPERATIVE VI.1 Chapter 1: Setting the Theme and Illuminating Its Meaning VI.2 Chapter 2: The Emperor as Son of Tian VI.3 Chapter 6: The Common People VI.4 Chapter 7: The Three Powers and Resources VI.5 Chapter 8: Effecting Sociopolitical Order Through Family Reverence VI.6 Chapt 导语 国际汉学大师新作,《经典儒学核心概念》配套用书。 内容详实:精选汇编《易经》《大学》《论语》《孟子》《中庸》《孝经》《五行篇》《墨子》《荀子》九部典籍的代表性篇目,将先秦儒家哲学文献、哲学家汇于一处。 翻译考究:从中西比较哲学的角度切入,采用阐释为主、翻译为辅的方法,再现原文思想内涵和文化特色。 评述精细:作者评述贯穿全书,细致解读儒家哲学核心概念和重要思想。 资料丰富:参考大量中英文资料,旁征博引,对比分析。 |