内容推荐 《建筑类专业英语》是以大学英语“通用词汇表”的4000个单词为起点,每个专业类别的三册书将增加1000~1200个阅读本专业必需掌握的词汇。本教材重视语言技能训练,突出对阅读、翻译和写作能力的培养,以求达到《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》所提出的教学目标:“通过指导学生阅读有关专业的英语书刊和文献,使他们进一步提高阅读和翻译科技资料的能力,并能以英语为工具获取专业所需的信息。” 《建筑类专业英语》每册16个单元,每个单元一篇正课文(TEXT),两篇副课文(Reading Material A&B),每个单元平均2000个词,三册48个单元,总共约有十万个词,相当于原版书三百多页。要培养较强的阅读能力,读十万个词的文献,是起码的要求。如果专业课教师在第六和第七学期,在学生通过学习本教材已经掌握了数百个专业科技词汇的基础上,配合专业课程的学习,再指定学生看一部分相应的专业英语科技文献,那将会既促进专业课的学习,又提高英语阅读能力,实为两得之举。 本教材不仅适用于在校学生,对于有志提高专业英语阅读能力的建筑行业广大在职工程技术人员,也是一套适用的自学教材。 目录 UNIT ONE Text InsIghts Into Archtecture(Part One) ReadIng MaterIal A&B InsIghts Into ArchItecture(Part Two) UNIT TWO Text Taste ReadIng MaterIal A The Eye Is Not Innocent ReadIng MaterIal B The Sphere and the Rose UNIT THREE Text The Program ReadIng MaterIal A PrImary ConsIderatIons about Our House ReadIng MaterIal B BrIef DescrIptIon of Plans UNIT FOUR Text DesIgn In Process ReadIng MaterIal A ProportIon Is a Matter of Judgment ReadIng MaterIal B SensIbIlIty.PerceptIon and Endurance UNIT FIVE Text Structural Concepts ReadIng MaterIal A AnthropomorphIsm and ArchItecture ReadIng MaterIal B Structural StabIlIty UNIT SIX Text Structural BehavIor ReadIng MaterIal A FIre Control ReadIng MaterIal B EnvIronmental Factors UNIT SEVEN Text Lighting DesIgn Reading Material A TechnIcal Knowledge for LightIng DesIgn Reading Material B ArchItectural LIghtIng UNIT EIGHT Text Sound BehavIour ReadIng MaterIal A DIamond Is for Everybody ReadIng MaterIal B Metal RoofIng BasIcs UNIT NINE Text The Nature of MaterIals Reading MaterIal A The Use of ConstructIon Materials In ArchItectural DesIgn ReadIng MaterIal B ArchItectural DecoratIon or Works of Art? UNIT TEN Text The“Simple”Approach In InterIor DesIgn ReadIng MaterIal A The LIne and Form Elements In InterIor Landscape DesIgn ReadIng MaterIal B The Texture and Colour Elements In InterIor Landscape DesIg UNIT ELEVEN Text The PrIncIple of Harmony In InterIor DesIgn ReadIng MaterIal A The PrIncIple of ProportIon In InterIor DesIgn‘‘’ ReadIng MaterIal B The PrIncIple of Balance In InterIor DesIgn UNIT TWELVE Text Landscape DesIgn(Ⅰ) ReadIng MaterIal A Landscape DesIgn(Ⅱ) ReadIng MaterIal B PsychologIcal Need:a Factor CausIng the Green RevolutIon UNIT THIRTEEN Text The PlannIng Process ReadIng MaterIal A PlannIng Tools(Ⅰ)——Models ReadIng MaterIal B PlannIng Tools(Ⅱ)——AlternatIVe selectIon UNIT FOURTEEN Text The CrucIal Elements of MetropolItan Form ReadIng MaterIal A PlannIng Standards DensIty Contro(Ⅰ) ReadIng MaterIal B PlannIng Standards DensIty Control(Ⅱ) UNIT FIFTEEN Text Urban TransportatIon PlannIng ReadIng MaterIal A Reduce the Need to Travel through PlannIng ReadIng MaterIal B MInImIsatIon of the Need for Infrastructure UNIT SIXTEEN Text SIte PlannIng ReadIng MaterIal A SIte AnalysIs(Ⅰ) ReadIng MaterIal B SIte AnalysIs(Ⅱ) AppendIxⅠVocabulary AppendIxⅡTranslatIon for Reference AppendIxⅢKey to ExercIses |