内容推荐 本教材共有10个章节,分别介绍了英语的历史与当代发展、英国国家概况、美国国家概况、英美历史与社会变迁、英美政治制度特征、英美教育体系与知名高校、英美传统与新媒体文化、英美美食风格与类别、英美艺术流派与特色、英美节日文化与对比等内容。每章包含Text A、Text B、Text C三篇课文,分为课前预习、课中阅读、课后思考三个教学环节。此外,学生可以在课后扫描二维码,获取Text D及音视频资源,促进对每个章节的全面理解。本教材另配有练习答案和PPT教学课件,可登录“清华社英语在线”进行下载。 本教材既适用于需要提高英语综合素养及跨文化交际能力的英语专业学生,又适用于已经具备了一定英语语言能力、希望开拓视野的非英语专业学生。 目录 Chapter 1 English as a Lingua Franca Text A English as a Lingua Franca Text B A Brief History of the English Language Text C British English and American English Supplementary Resources Chapter 2 The UK:A Country of Countries Text A A Brief Introduction to the UK Text B England and Its Cultural Heritages Text C Scotland:A Country on the Highlands Supplementary Resources Chapter 3 The US:A Country of Cultural Diversity Text A A Brief Introduction to the US Text B Landmarks in the US Text C Mirrors of a Country:Cities in the US Supplementary Resources Chapter 4 Great Events of the UK and the US:Legends in History Text A Upsand Downs of British History Before Text B The Rise and Fallofthe British Empire Text C Four Colonial Patterns Founded in the New World Supplementary Resources Chapter 5 Political Systems in the UK and the US Text A The Political System in the UK Text B The Royal Family in the UK Text C The Political System in the US Supplementary Resources Chapter 6 An Overview of Education in the UK and the US Text A An Introduction to the Education Systems in the UK and the US Text B A Glimpse of Famous Universities in the UKand the US Text C How to Apply to Universities Overseas Supplementary Resources Chapter 7 Public Media in the UK and the US Text A Print Media:Newspapers and Magazines in the UK and the US Text B Broadcast Media:Radio and TVin the UKand the US Text C Digital Media in the UKand the US Supplementary Resources Chapter 8 A Culinary Adventure of the UK and the US Text A Traditional Food in the UK Text B An Introduction to the Tea Culture in the UK Text C Facts About Fast Food in the US Supplementary Resources Chapter 9 Arts in the UK and the US Text A Architectural Styles in the UKand the US Text B Paintings in the UKand the US Text C Getting to Know About Pop Art in the UK and the US Supplementary Resources Chapter 10 Festivals and Holidays in the UK and the US Text A Three Common Public Holidays in the UKand the US Text B Memorable Days in the US Text C Typical British Holidays:In Memory of the Saints Supplementary Resources |