stink [stɪŋk] verb intransitive (stank or US AND Australian ENGLISH ALSO stunk, stunk) SMELL 气味 informal ■to smell very unpleasant 散发异味,发出难闻的气味•Your feet stink!你的脚好臭! •The morning after the party, the whole house stank of beer and cigarettes.聚会后的第二天早上,整个房子都是啤酒和香烟的浊气。 •He hadn't washed for over a week and stank to high heaven (= greatly).他有一个多星期没洗澡了,身上一股浓烈的异味。 •The woman next to me sprayed on some perfume and UKstank out / USstunk up the whole shop (= filled it with an unpleasant smell).我旁边那个女人喷了些香水,整个商店里都弥漫着一股怪味。 [stɪŋk] verb intransitive (stank or US AND Australian ENGLISH ALSO stunk, stunk) BE BAD 糟糕 ■to be extremely bad or unpleasant 极糟糕;令人厌恶•I think her whole attitude stinks.我觉得她整个态度令人恶心。 •His acting stinks but he looks good, so he's offered lots of movie roles.他的演技一塌糊涂,但人长得帅,所以获邀在许多影片中演出。 [stɪŋk] noun countable usually singular informal ■a strong unpleasant smell 恶臭;难闻气味•The stink of rotting seaweed was strong along the seashore.腐烂的海草在海滩上发出浓烈臭味。 [stɪŋk] noun countable usually singular informal cause a stink informal ■to cause trouble and make people angry 引起麻烦,引起轩然大波;引起不快•The article about political corruption caused a real stink.那篇有关政治腐败的文章引起了轩然大波。 [stɪŋk] noun countable usually singular informal create/kick up/raise a stink informal ■to make a strong public complaint 制造事端;滋事;起哄•She created a stink about the lack of recycling facilities in the town.她因城中缺乏废物回收设施而大吵大闹。 [stɪŋk] noun countable usually singular informal like stink UK informal ■If someone works like stink, they work extremely hard. 非常卖力地,极努力地 |