shakedown ['ʃeɪk.daʊn] noun US informal THREAT 威胁 countable ■the activity of getting money from someone by threatening or tricking them 勒索,敲诈 ['ʃeɪk.daʊn] noun US informal SEARCH 搜查 countable usually singular ■a thorough search in order to find things that are stolen or illegal (通常为查获赃物或违禁品)彻底搜查•Two policemen gave his place a real shakedown.两名员警对他的住处仔细进行了一番搜查。 ['ʃeɪk.daʊn] adjective [before noun] US ■becoming organized after a period of change 安顿下来;调整就绪•The new administration is still in the shakedown period.新政府仍处在调整适应阶段。 |