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书名 FAST-MeerKAT以及平方公里阵探路者们的协作(2018射电天文论坛论文集英文版)(精)
分类 科学技术-自然科学-天文地理
出版社 华中科技大学出版社
本书收录了2018年在贵州平塘召开的(第三届)国际射电天文论坛RAF(Radio Astronomy Forum)研讨会的学术报告(整理的文章)。主要包括:500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)调试进展、试运行、早期科学准备等;南非SKA探路者MeerKAT望远镜阵列的建设情况、研究计划等;澳大利亚ASKAP望远镜阵列和荷兰APERTIF阵列等SKA探路者们的巡天情况;FAST和SKA探路者之间广泛合作建议和设想;对中性氢、脉冲星、中性氢强度成图,以及宇宙磁场等射电巡天研究成果。论文集收录的论文紧密结合国家重大科技基础设施FAST(中国天眼)的核心科学目标,开展广泛国内外合作,特别探讨与计划中的国际最大望远镜阵列SKA的互补性合作,有很强实用价值。作者大都是国内外射电天文界著名专家教授,专业性强,达到了射电天文领域国际前沿水平。
Review of FAST HI Survey Plan
FAST and the Pathway to Cosmic Magnetism in the SKA Era
Apertif-FAST Synergy for Studies of Low Surface Brightness Emission
Telescope Synergies for HI and Intensity Mapping Observations
How Shall We Determine Detection Sensitivity in Radio Pulsar Search?
Single Pulse Study with FAST
Investigation of New Double Pulsar Candidate PSR J1906+0746
Pulsar Study in the Globular Cluster M28 with the Large European Array for Pulsars
A Method for Fast Radio Burst Detection with FAST Based on Focal-Field Feature Matching
FAST-MWA Synergies in Pulsar and Fast Radio Burst Science
Looking for Low Column Density Gas with MeerKAT & FAST
From Spectra to Spatially Resolved HI Observations
Constraining Inflationary Features with 21 cm Intensity Mapping
Combining 21-cm and Large-Scale Structure Surveys for Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution Constraints
Effect of Non-Circular Motions on the Rotation Curves of Barred Galaxies
Differential Observation Techniques for the SZE-21 cm and Low Frequency Radio Emission
Cold Gas in Galaxies: Single-Dish H I Surveys in the SKA Era
The Synergy between HI Single-Dish and Optical Integral-Field Spectroscopic Surveys
Progress on FAST Extragalactic Survey Data Reduction Pipeline
Automated 3-D Source Finding for Large-Scale HI Surveys
Spectral-Line Data Reduction Pipeline for HI Extragalactic Survey with FAST
Multi-Band Studies of Radio Stars
Measuring Distances of Supernova Remnants Using HI Absorption




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