内容推荐 本书与相应教材完全配套,根据实际教学课时划分的需要,针对每模块的重点单词、短语、句型等及其相关基础知识设置若干份默写练习,再通过各阶段的检测板块引导学生滚动复习,分层递进地夯实英语基础知识,从而构建了一套短、平、快的同步默写练习模式。 本书根据各阶段的学习目标,着力于相关基础知识的融会贯通。知识梳理全面、细致,并突出相关的知识要点、易错易混点、高频考点;题型丰富、规范,题目设置紧扣教材内容和教学实际,力求合适、精准,其编排则体现由易到难的梯度,以引导学生取得最佳的默写练习效果。 本书每个模块的课时默写练习均设为l页,梳理、检测板块的题量也遵循了“少而精”的原则,既便于老师在课堂上使用,也可供学生课后练习;本书既能解决老师教学中的梳理、拣词之繁琐,又可省去家长报默之累,可操作性强。另外,本书系统梳理了教材词汇(含拓展)和句型作为附录,便于学生查阅、识记。 目录 Module 1 Feelings and impressions 默写1 It smelIs delicious. 默写2 I feel nervous when l speak Chinese.(1) 默写3 I feel ne rvous when I speak Chinese.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 1 默写知识梳理 Module 1 基础知识检测 Module 2 Experiences 默写1 I’ve also entered lots of speaking competitions. 默写2 They have seen the Pyramids.(1) 默写3 They have seen the Pyramids.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 2 默写知识梳理 Module 2 基础知识检测 Module 3 Journey to space 默写1 Has it a rrived yet? 默写2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.(1) 默写3 We have not found Iife on any other planets yet.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 3 默写知识梳理 Module 3 基础知识检测 Module 4 Seeing the doctor 默写1 I haven’t done much exercise since I got my computer. 默写2 We have played footbalI for a year now.(1) 默写3 We have played footbal I for a year now.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 4 默写知识梳理 Module 4 基础知识检测 Module 5 Cartoons 默写1 It’S time to watch a ca rtoon. 默写2 Tintin has been popula r for over eighty years.(1) 默写3 Tintin has been popula r fo r over eighty years.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 5 默写知识梳理 Module 5 基础知识检测 期中基础知识检测(一) 期中基础知识检测(二) Module 6 Hobbies 默写1 Do you collect anything? 默写2 Hobbies can make you g row as a pe rson.(1) 默写3 Hobbies can make you g row as a person.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 6 默写知识梳理 Module 6 基础知识检测 Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles 默写1 Please write to me and send me some photos! 默写2 Fill out ou r fo rm and come to learn English in Los Angeles!(1) 默写3 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 7 默写知识梳理 Module 7 基础知识检测 Module 8 Time off 默写1 I can ha rdly believe we’re in the city centre. 默写2 We thought somebody WaS moving about.(1) 默写3 We thought somebody was moving about.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 8 默写知识梳理 Module 8 基础知识检测 Module 9 Friendship 默写1 Could l ask if you’ve mentioned this to her? 默写2 I believe that the wo rld is what you think it is.(1) 默写3 I believe that the world is what you think it is.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 9 默写知识梳理 Module 9 基础知识检测 Module 10 On the radio 默写1 I hope that you can join US one day 默写2 It seemed that they we re speaking to me in pe rson.(1) 默写3 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.(2) 默写4 Language in use Module 10 默写知识梳理 Module 10 基础知识检测 期末基础知识检测(一) 期末基础知识检测(二) 期末基础知识检测(三) 附录1教材词汇表(含拓展) 附录2教材句型梳理 参考答案(另册) |