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书名 | 旅游英语--原则观点和惯例(英文版) |
分类 | 经济金融-管理-旅游管理 |
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出版社 | 中国财政经济出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 浙江旅游职业学院以导游、电子商务专业为主体的导游专业群成功入选2019年中国特色高水平高职学校和高水平专业建设计划。导游专业群所在的旅行服务与管理学院为落实该专业建设计划,制定了2020年学院的人才培养方案,其中《旅游英语》设计为该学院的专业基础课,作为公共平台涵盖学院现有的四个专业:导游,电商,研学和景区。实施本教材的编写项目,既是为了落实导游专业群的国家双高建设任务,也是为旅管学院各相关专业定制一本新形态的专业英语教材。同时,它作为五年制中高职一体化教材,我们也希望国内相关院校能与我们一起共同分享并完善本教材。该教材突破了国内目前《旅游英语》教材单纯强调英语语言能力训练的传统思维,注重职业素养和英语能力并重。在全英语编写的基础上,它展现了当代国际旅游业的整体框架,包括基本概念,主要问题,业界动态,和发展趋势等,分为以下8个章节:1)当代国际旅游简介;2)旅游业;3)旅游管理;4)旅游的经济影响;5)旅游的社会文化影响;6)旅游的环境影响;7)旅游和技术;8)旅游的未来。教材主要体现以下几方面特色:突出专业英语内容;训练ESP专项能力;培养职业英语素养。 目录 Figures & Tables Abbreviations & Acronyms Preface Acknowledgements 1 Introduction to the Contemporary Tourism Learning objectives Introduction Definition of tourism Travel, tourists & tourism Tourism as a field of study A snapshot of contemporary tourism Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 2 The Tourism Industry Learning objectives Introduction Tourist attractions Accommodation Tourism intermediaries Transportation The public sector Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 3 The Tourism Management Learning objectives Introduction The ABC of tourism management Marketing management Operational management Service delivery management Tourism management & innovation Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 4 The Economic Impact of Tourism Learning objectives Introduction What is tourism's economic impact The analysis of tourism's economic impact The economic benefits The economic costs Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 5 The Sociocultural Impact of Tourism Learning objectives Introduction The nature of tourism's sociocultural impact The sociocultural benefits of tourism The sociocultural costs of tourism What affect tourism's sociocultural costs Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 6 The Environmental Impact of Tourism Learning objectives Introduction How tourism impacts the environment Sustainable tourism Ecotourism Tourism & climate change Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 7 Tourism and Technology Learning objectives Introduction Overview of the technology for tourism Destination & technology use Tourist use of technology The value of social media in tourism Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References 8 The Future of Tourism Learning objectives Introduction Tourism trends towards Smart tourism COVID-19 & tourism revitalization Conclusion Key terms Exercises Further reading References Glossary Index |
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