内容推荐 本书共18个单元,对每一课都设计了Pre-reading Tasks,将前版注解中出现的关键知识点(如世界知名企业的介绍、知名人物的介绍、经济常识的介绍等)设计成学习或调研任务,要求学生在学习本课之前通过网络进行调研。在完成这些任务的过程中,学生的阅读能力、文字组织能力以及口头表达能力等都会得到相应提高。 另外,本书课后练习增加了Discussion,要求学生根据课文所涉及的问题或引申出的问题,发表个人看法。在完成Discussion的过程中,学生的逻辑思维能力、口头表达能力及应变能力都会得到大幅提高。 目录 Lesson 1 Stronger Growth,with Caveats,Is Predicted for G1obal Economv Lesson 2 Brexit:Boris Johnson Hails Free Trade Deal with EU Lesson 3 European Economy to Grow at Its Lowest Rate since 2013,IMF Savs Lesson 4 US-China Trade War:All You Need to Know about Tnlmp's Tariffs Lesson 5 RCEP:Asia—Pacific Countries Form World’s Largest Trading B1oc Lesson 6 U.S.Unveils More Sanctions on Iran and Sells off Iranian Oil Lesson 7 Global Crude Market Finds Suppo Mainly from China Demand Lesson 8 Wall Street Slips amid Worries about Worsening Pandemic Lesson 9 Bitcoin Is Riding High Again as Investors Embrace Risk Lesson 10 JPMorgan Posts Surprise Profit Gain as IJoan Book Withstands Turnloil Lesson 11 TikTok Reaches Deal that Would Give Oracle Oversight 0f U.S.Operations Lesson 12 3 Trends to Keep an Eye on as E-comBerce Continues to SDike Lesson 13 Joe Biden’s Han Could Put Paris Agreement Targets‘Within Striking Distance’,Expels Say Lesson 14 6 Trends that Will Shape the Gig Economy in the 2020s Lesson 15 Zoom’s Newest Feature Will Provide a Marketplace for Virtual Events and Services Lesson 16 With Covid.19 under Control,China’s Economy Surges Ahead Lesson 17 Japan Looks to AI as Coronavirus Challenges Go-and-See Quality Control Mantra Lesson 18 India No Longer World’s Fastest-Growing Econom |