内容推荐 本书对在线社会研究做了简单易懂的介绍,涵盖了社会科学家关注的关键问题:在线调查、焦点小组、访谈、民族志和实验,以及讨论社交媒体和在线研究伦理的影响。它为新的研究领域提供了一个详细的词汇和书目,书中简短、清晰的案例研究可以让学生在实践中看到研究的例子。 作者简介 特罗斯特拉·胡利 is the Head of the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby,UK; his research interests include careers education and guidance; life and work transition; and new technologies. 目录 Series foreword Acknowledgements 1 Introduction 2 A brief history of online research methods 3 Dealing with ethical issues in online research Online surveys 5 Online interviews and focus groups 6 Online ethnographies 7 Online experiments 8 Where next for online methods? Glossary Bibliography Index |