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书名 | 中国非洲学刊(英文版) |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-中国经济 |
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出版社 | 社会科学文献出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书是一部关于非洲研究和中非关系研究的高质量学术论文集,内容共包括五个部分:(1)《携手共命运,同心促发展》是习近平主席在2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话;(2)中国非洲研究院成立专题,包括6篇文章,分别是中国社科院院长谢伏瞻、莫桑比克前总统希萨诺、非盟委员会人力资源与科技委员安杨、塞内加尔地方高级行政委员会副主席萨瓦内、中国社会科学院副院长高翔在中国非洲研究院成立大会上的致辞或闭幕辞;(3)学习贯彻习近平主席致中国非洲研究院成立贺信精神专题,包括6篇文章,主要是中国和非洲学者对于中非关系、中非命运共同体、中非“一带一路”合作、中非团结抗疫等方面的研究;(4)学术论坛,包括2篇文章,是关于国际援助与中非合作、中国在非洲的全球公共产品架构的研究;(5)学术评论,1篇回顾、展望中国的非洲研究的文章。 目录 Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future Special Feature on the Inauguration of the China-Africa Institute Yang Jiechi's Remarks on the Inauguration of the China-Africa Institute Xie Fuzhan Chaired the Inauguration Ceremony of the China-Africa Institute Joaquim Alberto Chissano's Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the China-Africa Institute Sarah Anyang Agbor's Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the China-Africa Institute Landing Savane's Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the China-Africa Institute Gao Xiang's Speech at the Inauguration Ceremony of the China-Africa Institute Special Feature on Learning and Implementing the Spirit of President Xi Jinping's Congratulatory Letter to the Inauguration of the China-Africa Institute and Keynote Speech at the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19 Keep the "Two Overall Situations" in Mind to Develop China-Africa Relations The Congratulatory Letter of President Xi Jinping: Foundation and Soul for the Building and Prosperity of the China-Africa Institute China-Africa Community with a Shared Future: Historical Status, Exemplary Role and World Significance China's Experience of Fighting Against COVID-19 Proves that Human Beings Can Make History The Belt and Road Initiative and Africa's Capacity Building Solidarity Against COVID- 19 Shows China and Africa's All-Weather Friendship Academic Forum New Structural Economics and International Aid and Cooperation: A Brief Review Mainly from the Perspective of African Development The New Fulcrum of the FOCAC: China's Delivery Architecture of Global Public Goods in Africa Academic Review African Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect Editorial |
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