内容推荐 在中国植树造林的实践中,涌现出了无数的典型人物和英雄模范故事,他们是实现中国绿色的中坚力量。这本书中讲述的故事无疑非常罕见,但它是一个伟大实践的缩影,即“清澈的水和郁郁葱葱的山与金银山一样宝贵”。作者捕捉到的可能是一个林务员挑战困境的动作,一个林务员反驳的冲突,或者是一个享受绿色福利的社会成员的快乐微笑。 作者简介 冯小军,本名冯晓军。中国作家协会会员,河北省散文学会副会长。现任中国林业文联《生态文化》副主编,中国林业作家协会理事。 出版“转型期笔迹”系列著作:《别忘记这片树林》(报告文学)《打着水漂过河》(散文)《坐在后门槛子上好好想想》(诗集)《谁说鲜桃不能过江》(新闻作品集)《到什么山上唱什么歌》(文论集),以及散文集《林间笔记》(荣获第六届冰心散文奖),随笔集《美在民间》。 出版的长篇报告文学《绿色奇迹塞罕坝》列入了新闻出版署“十三五”规划增补项目,中宣部等单位2018“主题出版”物,河北省2018优秀出版物。 目录 Preface A land I love so much A rendezvous with Renhuai The melodious Xishui River and impressive Danxia landform Dripping forest The stubborn Mr. Xiao A grand cause of Minqin—making oases Echoes in the mountain The way towards eco-civilization: forestry reform in Wuping Sound of Yabuli Trees are closer than people Charming mountains and rivers in Qilian Mountain Range Blue peak Helan Mountain Early spring in the south of mountain ranges The plum hills are as green as the sea Huaerkuojie's thoughts Patrolling route information An old man who made peace with deserts Sandy mountain and forest sea Liang Paoer quits hunting Hongshi forest land South or north, forests are in a wealth The Kazak boy born on Thursday Tabalak Bazar, a friend of herdsmen The green great wall in Baijitan The lush mountains and lucid water in Ya'an |