内容推荐 一流名校怎么训练?尖子生做哪些作业?这本作业本将全面呈现给你。拥有“黄冈小状元”,就等于步人了名校课堂,加入了尖子生的行列,与尖子生同桌。 本书紧扣PEP版英语教材,把教材知识转化为系统的练习。该作业本从“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”四个方面引导学生进行练习,能为你们学好英语打下良好基础,同时还配有小学生喜爱的图画,会使你们在娱乐中熟练地掌握所学的知识。 为了让小朋友学好每一课,天天有收获,本书紧扣课本精心设计了课课练、阶段复习、单元培优作业,还有期中、期末巩固练习及期末检测。随堂巩固,及时反馈,科学地引导大家爱好英语,学好英语。 目录 Unit 1 Welcome back to school! A.Let's talk Look and say A.Let's le.arn Let's chant A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Look and sav B.Let's learnLet's chant B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 Unit 2 My family A.Let's talk Point and say A.Let's le.arn Let's chant A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 Unit 3 At the zoo A.Let's talk Draw and say A.Let's le.arn Let's do A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Make a monster B.Let's learn Let's do B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 Unit 4 Where is my car? A.Let's talk Let's play A.Let's learn Let's do A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's do B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 Unit 5 Do you like pears? A.Let's talk Let's play A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Let's play B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 Unit 6 How many? A.Let's talk Find and count A.Let's learn Let's chant A.Let's spell 阶段复习训练 B.Let's talk Find and count B.Let's learn Let's chant B.Start to read B.Let's check Let's sing C.Story time 单元检测 期末复习巩固练习 期末检测 夹册(含本书听力材料及参考答案) |