内容推荐 本书分三个部分。第一部分是关于英语新闻的8个听力技巧,包括语音、词汇、语法、语义等不同维度的策略,从关注数字和实词,理解热词、缩略词和多重前置修饰词,识别连读,注意时态的不一致和被动语态的特殊用法,了解新闻结构和大意等视角,引导学习者熟悉和把握英语新闻听力的基本技能。第二部分是国内新闻,共45篇;第三部分为国外新闻,共33篇。它们涉及科技、经济、旅游、健康、教育、社会等方面的国内外新闻材料。每篇新闻后设置四个难度逐渐递增的任务。每个任务都为学习者搭建循序渐进的学习支架,帮助其获得可理解的输入信息并有效地进行语言输出训练。 本书适用于大学非英语专业基础阶段的英语听说课,也适用于中高级英语学习者感知英语新闻的语言特点,增进对国内外新闻事件的了解,培养语言认知能力及思辨能力。 目录 Part One News Listening Skills News listening skill one Focusing on numbers and units News listening skill two Focusing on content words News listening skill three Understanding neologisms and vogue words News listening skill four Understanding abbreviations News listening skill five Identifying pre-modifiers News listening skill six Recognizing linking News listening skill seven Paying attention to tenses and passive voice News listening skill eight Understanding the main idea Part Two News at Home Tech news 1. Voice messages impolite 2. Seniors using WeChat more 3. Post-OOs adding value to QQ 4. Big data aids dorm selection 5. Alibaba opens AI hotel 6. Campus food ordering report 7. Weibo posts to be archived 8. Half of jobs at risk 9. Alipay begins charging commission on credit card payments 10. China becomes second-largest source of "unicorn companies" 11. China to see more smart restaurants 12. Palace Museum, Huawei work together to build digital museum 13. Facial recognition now available at Chinese smart parcel pickup stations O Science news 14. China makes degradable plastic 15. Xuelong slams into iceberg Business news 16. Chilean cherries a hit 17. Chinese delicacies sweep NYC 18. Passengers can buy a 2nd seat 19. "Amazon coat" is a hit 20. China upgrades the 5th edition of its currency 21. China's emerging first-tier cities become talent magnets 22. New professions added to national occupation list 23. Consumption contributes to nearly 80% of China's GDP growth Travel news 24. Travel permits get easier 25. HK top travel destination 26. China gears up for travel rush 27. Students' travelling report 28. China's outbound tourism ranks first in the world Health news 29. China builds 158 Internet hospitals amid digital tide 30. Traditional Chinese medicine center opens in Prague 31. Leisure time in China falls 32. More Chinese dine alone Education news 33. Web literature readers grow 34. Actor accused of plagiarism 35. Books on Chinese classics boom in 2018 36. China's CNKI offers new service on academic essay writing guideline 37. 63.8 percent of Chinese children chat online with parents 38. Kid's resume goes viral Social news 39. Marriage rate hits lowest 40. Palace Museum head retires 41. Work schedules under fire 42. Point system for dog owners 43. Stamps feature Cha's characters 44. China targets poverty relief to those most in need 45. Giant pandas have emblem Part Three News Abroad Tech news 1 Monaco updates antennas for 5G 2. Happy 30th birthday, World Wide Web 3. Tech brings historic cities and art to life as never before 4. Technology informs emergency officials of floods beforehand 5. Samsung's foldable Galaxy phone pre-sales have begun 6. This Alphabet-owned company is delivering espresso via drone in Australia 7. Japan tests world's fastest bullet train 8. Baidu posts its first loss in 15 years Science news 9. Mars Opportunity rover ends nearly 15 years of discovery 10. Historic all-female spacewalk canceled 11. Israeli probe crashes moments before historic moon landing Business news 12. It cost Facebook $ 22 million to keep Mark Zuckerberg safe last year 13. Sweet news: Godiva to open 2,000 cafes globally in next 6 years 14. Amazon is spending $ 800 million to make free one-day shipping standard for Prime 15. India's richest man just bought the world's oldest toy store 16. Wild coffee disappearing, threatening future harvests 17. Amazon will no longer sell Chinese goods in China 18. Samsung is feeling the chill from cooling global demand for smartphones 19. Wynn Resorts abandons $7 billion play |