内容推荐 本书是匹配北京邮电大学通信工程留学生“电路分析基础”课程教学大纲的新型中英文双语教材。本书一共分6章,有中、英文两个版本。章电路元件与电路变量(重点内容为理想基本电路元件与分类、电路变量);第2章电路基本分析方法(重点内容为基尔霍夫电流定律、基尔霍夫电压定律、电阻的串并联组合、2b方法、节点电压法、网孔电流法);第3章电路基本理论(重点内容为叠加定理、电压源与电流源的等效变换、戴维南定理和诺顿定理、优选功率传输定理);第4章RC电路和RL电路(重 点内容为动态元件特性、零输入响应与零状态响应、三要素法);第5章正弦稳态电路分析(重点内容为电路相量模型、基尔霍夫定律的相量形式、节点电压法和网孔电流法的相量形式、戴维南定理和诺顿定理的相量形式);第6章实验(重点内容为基本电路测量仪器介绍、实验实例)。 目录 章电路元件和电路变量1 1.1常见的电路变量1 1.1.1电荷1 1.1.2电压1 1.1.3电流2 1.1.4功率与能量2 1.2基本电路元件4 1.2.1电阻4 1.2.2电容5 1.2.3电感6 1.2.4独立电压源与独立电流源8 1.2.5受控源8 1.3习题9 第2章电路基本分析方法12 2.1节点、支路和网孔12 2.2基尔霍夫电路定律14 2.3电阻的串并联组合16 2.42b方法20 2.5节点电压法21 2.6网孔电流法24 2.7习题27 第3章电路基本理论33 3.1叠加定理33 3.2电压源与电流源的等效变换35 3.3戴维南定理和诺顿定理38 3.4优选功率传输定理41 3.5习题42 第4章RC电路和RL电路48 4.1电感48 4.2电容50 4.3换路定则51 4.4一阶电路52 4.5RL和RC电路的零输入响应53 4.5.1RC电路的零输入响应53 4.5.2RL电路的零输入响应54 4.6RL和RC电路的零状态响应56 4.6.1RL电路的零状态响应56 4.6.2RC电路的零状态响应57 4.7RL电路和RC电路的全响应和三要素法58 4.8习题60 第5章正弦稳态电路分析66 5.1正弦函数66 5.2正弦响应67 5.3相量68 5.3.1相量变换68 5.3.2相量反变换68 5.3.3相量的基本运算69 5.4阻抗和导纳70 5.5电路元件VCR的相量表示71 5.5.1电阻VCR的相量形式71 5.5.2电容VCR的相量形式71 5.5.3电感VCR的相量形式72 5.6基尔霍夫定律的相量形式72 5.6.1KCL的相量形式72 5.6.2KVL的相量形式73 5.7电路简化方法的相量形式73 5.7.1串联阻抗和并联阻抗73 5.7.2电压源电流源的等效变换、戴维南定理和诺顿定理的相量形式74 5.8电路基本分析方法的相量形式75 5.8.1节点电压法的相量形式75 5.8.2网孔电流法的相量形式76 5.9功率计算77 5.10优选功率传输定理的相量形式78 5.11习题79 第6章实验84 6.1基本电路测量仪器介绍84 6.1.1万用表84 6.1.2直流电源85 6.1.3电阻和滑动变阻器85 6.1.4电容和电感86 6.1.5示波器86 6.1.6数字信号发生器86 6.2电路仿真软件介绍87 6.3实验实例87 6.3.1电阻的直流特性87 6.3.2验证基尔霍夫定律90 6.3.3RC电路和RL电路的测量92 6.3.4验证戴维南定理的实验94 Chapter 1Circuit Elements and Circuit Variables101 1.1Common Circuit Variables101 1.1.1Electric charge101 1.1.2Voltage102 1.1.3Current102 1.1.4Power and energy103 1.2Basic circuit element105 1.2.1Resistor105 1.2.2Capacitor106 1.2.3Inductor107 1.2.4Independent voltage source and independent current source109 1.2.5Dependent source110 1.3Exercises111 Chapter 2Basic Circuit Analysis Method114 2.1Node, branch and mesh114 2.2Kirchhoff’s circuit law 116 2.3Series-parallel combinations of resistors119 2.42b-method123 2.5Node voltage method125 2.6Mesh current method128 2.7Exercises131 Chapter 3Circuit Theorem137 3.1Superposition theorem137 3.2Source transformations139 3.3Thevenin theorem and Norton theorem143 3.4Maximum power transfer theorem145 3.5Exercises147 Chapter 4RC Circuit and RL Circuit153 4.1First-order circuits153 4.2Capacitor155 4.3Switching rule156 4.4First-order circuit157 4.5Zero-input response of RL and RC circuit158 4.5.1Zero-input response of RC circuit158 4.5.2Zero-input response of RL circuit160 4.6Zero-state response of RL and RC circuit162 4.6.1Zero-state response of RL circuit162 4.6.2Zero-state response of RC circuit163 4.7Complete response and three element method for RL and RC circuit164 4.8Exercises167 Chapter 5Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis173 5.1Sinusoidal function173 5.2Sinusoidal response174 5.3The phasor175 5.3.1Phasor transformation175 5.3.2Inverse phasor transformation176 5.3.3Basic operations of phasors176 5.4Passive circuit elements in phasor177 5.5VCR of circuit element in phasor179 5.5.1VCR of resistor in phasor179 5.5.2VCR of capacitor in phasor179 5.5.3VCR of inductor in phasor179 5.6Kirchhoff’s Law in phasor180 5.6.1KCL in phasor180 5.6.2KVL in phasor 181 5.7Circuit simplifications in phasor181 5.7.1Impedances in series and parallel181 5.7.2Source transformations in phasor, Thevenin theorem in phasor and Norton theorem182 5.8Basic circuit analysis methods in phasor 183 5.8.1Node voltage method in phasor183 5.8.2Mesh current method in phasor184 5.9Power calculation185 5.10Maximum power transfer theorem in phasor187 5.11Exercises188 Chapter 6Experiment193 6.1Basic electronic measuring devices193 6.1.1Multi-meter193 6.1.2DC power supply194 6.1.3Resistor and slide rheostat194 6.1.4Capacitor and inductor195 6.1.5Oscilloscope195 6.1.6Digital signal generator195 6.2The introduction of circuit simulation software196 6.3Experiment instances196 6.3.1DC characteristics of resistors196 6.3.2verification for Kirchhoff ’s laws199 6.3.3RC circuit and RL circuit201 6.3.4Verification for Thevenin theorem204 |