前言 (i)
内蒙古赤峰药王庙、夏家店遗址试掘简报 中国科学院考古研究所内蒙古发掘队 (1)
赤峰药王庙、夏家店遗址试掘报告 中国科学院考古研究所内蒙古工作队 (9)
内蒙古赤峰市二道井子遗址2009 年发掘述要 内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所 (52)
赤峰东八家石城址勘查记 佟柱臣 (66)
内蒙古东部地区青铜时代的两种文化 刘观民 徐光冀 (72)
从昭盟发现的大型青铜器试论北方的早期青铜文明 苏赫 (82)
内蒙古东南部地区青铜时代的几个问题 刘观民 (88)
辽西古文化古城古国 苏秉琦 (95)
试析夏家店下层文化的陶鬲 刘观民 (100)
赤峰英金河、阴河流域的石城遗址 徐光冀 (107)
丰下遗址陶器分期再认识 郭大顺 (119)
夏家店下层文化研究 张忠培 孔哲生 张文军 陈雍 (134)
试论魏营子类型 郭大顺 (152)
夏家店上层文化及其族属问题 靳枫毅 (171)
夏家店上层文化居民的种族类型及相关问题 朱泓 (202)
夏家店下层文化彩绘纹式 刘观民 徐光冀 (214)
大甸子墓地乙群陶器分析 刘晋祥 (221)
论夏家店下层文化 李伯谦 (225)
对南山根M102 出土刻纹骨板的一些看法 林沄 (244)
东胡与山戎的考古探索 林沄 (249)
《大甸子》序 苏秉琦 (258)
山戎民族及其文化考 郑绍宗 (259)
夏家店下层文化药王庙类型城址发现与探索 杨 虎 孙祖初 邵国田 (267)
魏营子文化初步研究 董新林 (272)
夏家店上层文化青铜器研究 刘国祥 (303)
论夏家店上层文化在欧亚大陆草原古代文化中的重要地位 乌恩 (357)
夏家店上层文化向南的分布态势与地域文化变迁 朱永刚 (372)
辽西区夏至战国时期文化格局与经济形态的演进 王立新 (385)
夏家店上层文化在中国北方青铜器发展中的传承作用 杨建华 (411)
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辽西山地夏至战国时期考古学文化时空框架研究的再检讨 赵宾福 (425)
夏家店上层文化的分期与源流 井中伟 (459)
三座店石城遗址与夏家店下层文化若干问题之我见 郭治中 郭丽 (483)
赤峰新店石城址发掘记 徐光冀 (496)
老哈河中、上游夏家店上层文化之源 朱延平 (498)
附录 辽西区青铜时代考古文献目录索引 (514)
编后记 (546)
Introduction (i)
Preliminary report on the test excavations at Yaowangmiao and Xiajiadian sites in Chifeng,Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia Archaeological Team,Institute of Archaeology,Chinese Academy of Sciences (1)
Report on the test excavations at Yaowangmiao and Xiajiadian site in Chifeng area Inner Mongolia Archaeological Team,Institute of Archaeology,Chinese Academy of Sciences (9)
The excavation at Erdaojingzi site in Chifeng city,Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolian Autonomous Regional Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (52)
A report of survey at the Dongbajia stone-wall site of Chifeng Tong Zhuchen (66)
Two types of bronze age cultures of the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Liu Guanmin and Xu Guangji (72)
Preliminary discussion of early bronze civilization in the North based on the large bronze vessel discoverd at Zhaowudameng(Chifeng city) Su He (82)
Several questions on bronze age of southeast of Inner Mongolia Liu Guanmin (88)
Ancient culture ancient city ancient country of Liaoxi area :Preliminary discussion of the emphasis of the present archaeological work and the major project Su Bingqi (95)
An analytical study of the Li pottery of the Lower Xiajiadian culture Liu Guanmin (100)
The stone-wall sites of the Yingjin and Yin river basins in Chifeng area Xu Guangji (107)
A new understanding on chronological study of the pottery of Fengxia site Guo Dashun (119)
Research of the Lower Xiajiadian culture Zhang Zhongpei,Kong Zhesheng,Zhang Wenjun,and Chen Yong (134)
Preliminary discussion of the Weiyingzi cultural type Guo Dashun (152)
The Upper Xiajiadian culture and its ethnic attribution Jin Fengyi (171)
Race of the Upper Xiajiadian culture and its related questions Zhu Hong (202)
The painting styles of the Lower Xiajiadian culture Liu Guanmin and Xu Guangji (214)
An analytical study of the B group pottery from graves in the Dadianzi cemetery Liu Jinxiang (221)
Discussion of the Lower Xiajiadian culture Li Boqian (225)
Some views on inscribed bone plate from tomb 102 of Nanshangen site Lin Yun (244)
Archaeological study on the ethnic groups Dong Hu and Shan Rong Lin Yun (249)
Preface(《大甸子》序) Su Bingqi (258)
On the ethnic group Shan Rong and its culture :A study into the so character of the Upper Xiajiadian culture Zheng Shaozong (259)
The discovery and exploration on the wall-site of the Yaowangmiao type of the Lower Xiajiadian culture Yang Hu,Sun Zuchu,Shao Guotian (267)
Preliminary study on the Weiyingzi culture Dong Xinlin (272)
On the bronzes of the Upper Xiajiadian culture Liu Guoxiang (303)
Discussion on the Importance of the Upper Xiajiadian culture to the Eurasia steppe ancient culture Wu En (357)
The area of the Upper Xiajiadian culture extended to the south and the change of regional culture Zhu Yonggang (372)
The evolution of cultural pattern and economic formation in Liaoxi area from the Xia dynasty to the Warring states period Wang Lixin (385)
The inheritance of the Upper Xiajiadian culture with the development process of bronze artifacts of northern China Yang Jianhua (411)
New study on the space-time framework of the archaeological culture from the Xia dynasty to the Warring states period in the mountainous area of Liaoxi Zhao Binfu (425)
Chronological study and the origin and the development of the UpperXiajiadian culture Jing Zhongwei (459)
My view on the Sanzuodian stone-wall site and several questions of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture Guo Zhizhong and Guo Li (483)
The excavation at the Xindian stone-wall site of Chifeng Xu Guangji (496)
The origin of the Upper Xiajiadian culture in the middle and upper Laoha river Zhu Yanping (498)
Appendix: Liaoxi area Bronze Age archaeology bibciography indexes (514)
Postscript (546)