内容推荐 这本《模拟联合国教程》(小学版)主要适用于小学高年级学生。教材生动活泼,内容全面且由浅入深,涵盖了联合国的和平理念,历史和背景及机构设置等,并着眼于学生各方面技能的提高,包括理解与分析靠前性事务、英语演讲与表达、英文议会制辩论、信息调研、创新思维与批判性思维等。除此之外,本教材还能以模拟联合国会议的方式提高学生的合作参与能力,包括整个会议流程、调研分析、撰写立场文件和决议草案及修正案等,同时,本教材还涉及靠前外交礼仪与文化等多方面的内容,给学生文化上的熏陶。 目录 Module 1 Welcome to the UN! Hold a model General Assembly Module 2 Information Research Analyze a certain issue Module 3 Position Paper I Identify the format and composition of a position paper Module 4 Position Paper II Practice writing a position paper Module 5 Opening Speech Present an opening speech Module 6 Caucuses Discuss in a caucus & write a working paper Module 7 Resolution Writing I VUrite a draft resolution Module 8 Resolution Wtriting II Write an amendment Module 9 Attire and Manners Pay attention to manners Module 10 MUN Practice Present all MUN procedures based on a background guide The United Nations General Assembly The Charter of the United Nations The United Nations Environment Programme The United Nations Children's Fund The United Nations Economic and So Council The International Court of Justice The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization The Food and Agriculture Organization The World Health Organization The United Nations Security Council |