简介 |
作者简介 e entrance to the Department of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University passing through an examination in 1951. Change to Tsinghua University Department of Petroleum Engineering in 1952. He graduated in 1955, and engaged by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. Since 1960, he was appointed as the group leader of Radical Determination, and started to work on EMR research. He was promoted to be an Associate Researcher in 1979. He was moved to Fujian Institute of Material Structure 目录 《电子磁共振原理:英文》目录参见目录图 内容推荐 本书全面讲解了电子磁共振(EMR)的基本原理,包括理论基础、g张量理论、各向同(异)性的超精细结构、精细结构、弛豫与线型线宽、定量测定、顺磁性气体和无机自由基、过渡族元素离子及其配合物等10章。附录中包括EMR的延伸和拓展介绍,以及必要的数学和物理基础知识。本书可帮助相关领域从业者具备扎实可靠的解谱能力,也可用作相关专业研究生教材。 |