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书名 | 移动系统中间件建模与仿真(英文版) |
分类 | 科学技术-工业科技-电子通讯 |
作者 | 郭平 |
出版社 | 清华大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书主要介绍基于软件架构的软件建模与设计的相关知识,以移动系统作为例子,展示了如何使用基于和UML类似的元建模和图形转换技术来解决实际问题,主要内容包括问题领域、建模语言、软件架构式样、仿真技术、细化技术以及工具支持与代码生成。本书不仅具有理论研究价值,而且具有较高的工程应用价值,对移动系统和软件架构软件建模感兴趣的研究开发者和工程师具有很好的参考价值。 作者简介 郭平,现任职于昆明理工大学计算中心,曾获得德国帕德博恩大学的计算机博士学位。主要研究方向包括软件架构、软件建模、移动和系统、嵌入式系统等。曾任职于西门子研发中心软件工程师,德国国家印刷厂不错软件架构师,Capgemini咨询师等。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation: middleware for mobile systems 1.2 Problems with architecture-centric approaches 1.3 Objectives of the book 1.4 Our approach 1.5 Structure of the book Chapter 2 The Problem Domain 2.1 Overview 2.2 Middleware for distributed systems 2.3 Middleware for mobile systems 2.3.1 Mobile systems 2.3.2 Mobile applications 2.3.3 Problems with mobile application development 2.3.4 Middleware for mobile systems 2.4 Middleware for mobile systems: examples 2.4.1 Event-based (or publish / subscribe) middleware 2.4.2 Tuple space-based middleware 2.4.3 Object and component middleware 2.4.4 Generalization of commonalities 2.5 Aspects to be modeled 2.5.1 Modeling mobility 2.5.2 Modeling other aspects Chapter 3 Related Work 3.1 Overview 3.2 Requirements 3.2.1 Requirements for style specification 3.2.2 Requirements for the modeling language 3.3 Survey of related work 3.3.1 Survey of architectural styles 3.3.2 Survey of modeling languages Chapter 4 An Overview of the Approach 4.1 Overview 4.2 The architectural style for the middleware 4.2.1 Middleware-induced style 4.2.2 Layered structure of the style 4.3 The modeling and simulation framework 4.3.1 Style-based modeling 4.3.2 The style for the middleware 4.3.3 Refinement 4.3.4 Simulation Chapter 5 Architectural Style-based Modeling 5.1 Overview 5.2 Background of the TGTS 5.2.1 Graphs and graph morphism 5.2.2 Graphs and object-oriented modeling 5.2.3 Rules and graph transformation 5.2.4 Metamodeling 5.2.5 Typed graph transformation system and style specifica-tion 5.3 Specification of the style 5.3.1 Structural part 5.3.2 Behavioralpart 5.3.3 Syntaxandsemanticsofthemodelinglanguage Contents vii Chapter 6 Style Examples 6.1 Overview 6.2 Themiddlewarefornomadicnetworks 6.2.1 Architecturalcommonalities 6.2.2 Theconcretemiddleware:WirelessCORBA 6.3 Conceptualstyle 6.3.1 Structuralpart 6.3.2 Behavioralpart 6.4 Platform-independentconcretestyle 6.4.1 Structuralpart 6.4.2 Behavioralpart 6.5 Platform-specificconcretestyle:WirelessCORBA 6.5.1 Structuralpart 6.5.2 Behavioralpart 137 6.5.3 IDLsemanticsspeci.cation Chapter 7 Style Re.nement 7.1 Overview 7.2 Requirementsforthere.nement 7.3 Existingapproachesandopenproblems 7.4 Rulemapping-basedstylere.nement 7.4.1 Structuralre.nement 7.4.2 Behavioralre.nement 7.4.3 Re.nementoftheTGTS-basedstyle 7.5 Evaluationandcomparison Chapter 8 Style Simulation and Tools 8.1 Overview 8.2 Graphtransformationsimulationtools 8.2.1 Requirementsforthetool 8.2.2 AGG 8.2.3 PROGRES 8.2.4 Fujaba 8.2.5 Evaluationandcomparison 8.3 Style-basedsimulation 8.3.1 Stylespeci.cationandsimulation 8.3.2 E.cientvalidation 8.3.3 Re.nementconsistencycheck 8.3.4 Behavioralconsistencycheck 8.3.5 Style-basedengineering Chapter 9 Conclusion 9.1 Evaluation 9.1.1 Evaluatingthestylespeci.cation 9.1.2 Evaluatingthemodelinglanguage 9.2 Relevancetopractice 9.2.1 Styleanddesign 9.2.2 Theconceptualstyleanddesign 9.2.3 Theplatform-independentconcretestyleanddesign 9.2.4 Theplatform-speci.cconcretestyleanddesign 9.3 Contributions 9.4 Futurework 9.4.1 Industryprojectexperience 9.4.2 Automationandtoolsupport 9.4.3 Developmentofotherarchitecturalstyles 9.4.4 Modelbasedtesting Appendix OMG Wireless CORBA IDL Bibliography List of Figures List of Table |
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