transcribe [træn'skraɪb] verb transitive RECORD 记录 ■to record something written, spoken or played by writing it down 写下,记录下;抄录•Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.谈话的磁带录音由打字员记录下来,并输入资料库。 [træn'skraɪb] verb transitive CHANGE 改变 ■to change a piece of writing or music into another form, for example into a different writing system or into music for different instruments 转录(为另一种书写形式);改编(乐曲)•Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文是他们的第一项任务。 •The quintet had been transcribed for clarinet and piano.这个五重奏被改编成单簧管和钢琴二重奏。 |