内容推荐 张桂萍主编的《跨文化交际--中英文化对比(英文版)》选材内容丰富,深入浅出地介绍中国和英语国家两类文化,引导学生学习不同文化现象的同时领悟两类文化的内涵,理解两类文化的差异,提升跨文化交际意识与能力,成为适应时代发展和社会需求的跨文化人才。本书具有如下特色: 主题从衣、食、住、行、娱等贴近生活的角度出发,涵盖中英文化很富特色的部分,展现文化的灿烂多姿,帮助学生领略不同民俗风情,探索不同文化的丰富内涵。 兼顾中英两类文化的介绍,融入中英文化对比和真实跨文化交际场景,提高学生对两类文化差异的认识,培养他们的跨文化交际能力。 选取大量生动有趣、实用性强的语言材料,保证充足的目标语输入,结合灵活多样的活动设计,帮助学生全面提升语言综合应用能力。 地道生动的文字辅以精美多彩的版式,配合丰富的音频材料,立体呈现文化瑰丽篇章,满足当代学生的审美与学习需求。 目录 Languages: Chinese vs English Section A The Chinese language Section B The English language Clothing and dress codes Section A Chinese clothing Section B Western suits and dress codes Cuisine and dining etiquette Section A Chinese cuisine and dining etiquette Section B Cuisine and dining etiquette in the West Alcoholic drinks and drinking culture Section A Chinese alcoholic drinks and drinking culture Section B Wine_and wine etiquette Leisure time drinks: Tea and coffee Section A Chinese tea and tea culture Section B Afternoon tea and coffee culture in the West Festivals and celebrations Section A Festivals and celebrations in China Section B Festivals and celebrations in English-speaking countries Medicine and fitness Section A Traditional Chinese medicine and exercises Section B Western medicine and fitness Traffic and transport Section A Traffic and transport in China Section B Traffic and transport in English-speaking countries |