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书名 | Perl语言入门 |
分类 | 人文社科-社会科学-语言文字 |
作者 | (美)兰德尔·L·施瓦茨(Randal L.Schwartz),(美)布赖恩·d·福瓦(Brian d Foy),(美)汤姆·菲尼克斯(Tom Phoenix) |
出版社 | 东南大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书由Perl社区很有名、很活跃的两位成员写成,是Perl程序设计语言的精髓指南。 Perl很初只是Unix系统管理员的一个工具,在工作日里被用在无数的小任务中。从那以后,它逐步发展成为一种全功能的程序设计语言,特别是在各种计算平台上,它被用作Web编程、数据库处理、XML处理以及系统管理——它能够完成所有这些工作,同时仍然是处理小的日常工作的完美工具。这是它的设计初衷。Perl快速、有趣,而且特别有用。很多人因为需要Perl而使用它,又因为热爱它而继续使用它。作者作为咨询专家,凭借讲授Perl课程的多年成功经验,重新设计了本书的叙述节奏和范围,以更好地照顾到那些刚开始学习Perl的读者的需要,同时仍保留了细节讨论、详尽的例子以及折衷策略的介绍,本书正是因此而闻名的。 作者简介 兰德尔·L·施瓦茨(Randal L.Schwartz),精通于软件设计、系统管理、安全、技术写作和培训,他是数本Perl语言方面“推荐阅读”书籍的合著者之一,包括《Learning Perl》《Programming Perl》和《Mastering Perl》(O’Reilly出版)。 布赖恩·d·福瓦(brian d foy),是一位多产的Perl培训师和作家,运营ThePerlReview以帮助人们使用和理解Perl。他是《Learning Perl》《Programming Perl》《Mastering Perl》(O’Reilly出版)和《EffectivePerlProgramming》(Addison—Wesley出版)的合著者之一。 汤姆·菲尼克斯(Tom Phoenix),在Stonehenge咨询服务公司教授Perl课程,并且在comp.lang.perl.misc和comp.lang.perl.moderated新闻组上回答问题。他是《Intermediate Perl》(O’Reilly出版)的合著者之一,也是一位Perl语言的贡献者。 目录 Preface 1.mtroduaion Questions and Answers Is This the Right Book for You? What About the Exercises and Their Answers? What Ifl'm a Perl Course Instructor? What Does "Perl" Stand For? Why Did Larry Create Perl? Why Didn't Larry Just Use Some Other Language? Is Perl Easy or Hard? How Did Perl Get to Be So Popular? What's Happening with Perl Now? What's Perl Really Good For? What Is Perl Not Good For? How Can I Get Perl? What Is CPAN? Is There Any Kind of Support? What Ifl Find a Bug in Perl? How Do I Make a Perl Program? A Simple Program What's Inside That Program? How Do I Compile My Perl Program? A Whirlwind Tour of Perl Exercises 2.Scalar Data Numbers All Numbers Have the Same Format Internally Integer Literals Nondecimal Integer Literals Floating—Point Literals Numeric Operators Strings Single—Quoted String Literals Double—Quoted String Literals String Operators Automatic Conversion Between Numbers and Strings Perl's Built—In Warnings Interpreting Nondecimal Numerals Scalar Variables Choosing Good Variable Names Scalar Assignment Compound Assignment Operators Output with print Interpolation of Scalar Variables into Strings Creating Characters by Code Point Operator Precedence and Associativity Comparison Operators The if Control Structure Boolean Values Getting User Input The chomp Operator The while Control Structure The undef Value The defined Function Exercises 3.Lists and Arrays Accessing Elements of an Array Spe Array Indices List Literals The qw Shortcut List Assignment The pop and push Operators The shift and unshift Operators The splice Operator Interpolating Arrays into Strings The foreach Control Structure Perl's Favorite Default: $ The reverse Operator The sort Operator The each Operator Scalar and List Context Using List—Producing Expressions in Scalar Context Using Scalar—Producing Expressions in List Context Forcing Scalar Context <STDIN> in List Context Exercises 4.Subroutines Defining a Subroutine Invoking a Subroutine Return Values Arguments Private Variables in Subroutines Variable—Length Parameter Lists A Better &max Routine Empty Parameter Lists Notes on Lexical (my) Variables The use strict Pragma The feturn Operator Omitting the Ampersand Nonscalar Return Values Persistent, Private Variables Subroutine Signatures Exercises 5.Input and Output Input from Standard Input Input from the Diamond Operator The Double Diamond The Invocation Arguments Output to Standard Output Formatted Output with printf Arrays and printf Filehandles Opening a Filehandle Binmoding Filehandles Bad Filehandles Closing a Filehandle Fatal Errors with die Warning Messages with warn Automatically die—ing Using Filehandles Changing the Default Output Filehandle Reopening a Standard Filehandle Output with say Filehandles in a Scalar Exercises 6.Hashes What Is a Hash? Why Use a Hash? Hash Element Access The Hash as a Whole Hash Assignment The Big Arrow Hash Functions The keys and values Functions The each Function Typical Use of a Hash The exists Function The delete Function Hash Element Interpolation The %ENV hash Exercises 7.Regular Expressions Sequences Practice Some Patterns The Wildcard Quantiflers Grouping in Patterns Alternatives Character Classes Character Class Shortcuts Negating the Shortcuts Unicode Properties Anchors Word Anchors Exercises …… 8.Matching with Regular Expressions 9.Processing Text with Regular Expressions 10.MoreControIStructures 11.PerlModules 12.FileTests 13.DirectoryOperations 14.Strings and Sorting 15.ProcessManagement 16.Some Advanced PerlTechniques A.ExeraseAnswers B.Beyond the Llama C.A Unicode Primer D.Experimental Features Index |
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