内容推荐 本书共7章。第1章为绪论,主要探讨翻译的定义、研究范围、翻译研究的主要范式及系统功能语言学在翻译研究中的可行性和优越性。第2章为系统功能语言学与翻译研究综述。第3章为语言元功能与翻译研究。第4章为语境与翻译研究。第5章为语法隐喻与翻译研究。第6章为评价理论与翻译研究。第7章为结论,总结系统功能语言学理论对翻译研究的启示,同时也指出目前研究的不足及未来需要进一步探讨的问题。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives ofthe Study 1.2 Main Paradigms in Translation Studies 1.3 A Systemic-functional Linguistics Approach to Translation Studies 1.4 Organization ofthe Book Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Meta-functionTheory andTranslation Study 2.3 ContextTheory andTranslation Study 2.4 Grammatical Metaphor and Translation Study 2.5 Appraisal Theory and Translation Study 2.6 Summary Chapter 3 Metafunction andTranslation 3.1 Introduction 3.2 TheIdeationalFunction 3.3 Interpersonal Function 3.4 Textual Function 3.5 Summary Chapter 4 Context andTranslation 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Immediate Context and Translation 4.3 RegisterTheory andTranslation 4.4 Genre:ContextofCultureinText 4.5 IdeologyandTranslation 4.6 Summary Chapter 5 Grammatical Metaphor and Translation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Ideational Grammatical Metaphor 5.3 Interpersonal Grammatical Metaphor 5.4 Textual Grammatical Metaphor 5.5 Summary Chapter 6 Appraisal Theory and Translation 6.1 IntroductiontoAppraisalTheory 6.2 Attitude System andTranslation 6.3 Graduation System and Translation 6.4 Engagement System andTranslation 6.5 Summary Chapter 7 Conclusion References |