pursuer UK [pə'sju:.ər] US [pɚ'su:.ɚ] noun countable FOLLOWING 追赶 ■someone who is chasing you 追赶者,追捕者;追求者•She made a sudden right turn off the road in order to escape her pursuers.她突然向右转驶离公路,以甩掉跟踪她的人。 •figurative The team are ten points ahead of their closest pursuers in the league.该队在联赛中领先紧随的对手十分。 UK [pə'sju:.ər] US [pɚ'su:.ɚ] noun countable ATTEMPT 试图 ■someone who is trying to achieve something 追求者•He described himself as a pursuer of truth and justice.他把自己说成是个追求真理和正义的人。 |