zip [zɪp] noun FASTENER 扣件 ADVANCED countable UK (US zipper) ■a fastener consisting of two rows of metal or plastic teeth-like parts which are brought together by pulling a small sliding piece over them, and which is used for closing openings in especially clothing or bags 拉链,拉锁•to do up/undo a zip拉上/拉开拉链 •I can't open my bag - the zip has stuck.我的袋子打不开——拉链卡住了。 [zɪp] noun SPEED 速度 uncountable informal ■energy; speed 精力;活力;速度•The new engine has given the car a lot more zip.新引擎使这辆汽车加速不少。 [zɪp] noun NOTHING 无 uncountable US informal ■nothing 无,没有•I know zip about computers.我对电脑一无所知。 •The Dolphins are leading the Giants fourteen to zip (= by fourteen points to nothing).海豚队以14比0领先巨人队。 [zɪp] verb (-pp-) FASTEN 拉上 intransitive or transitive ■to fasten something with a zip 拉上(…的)拉链•This bag's too full, I can't zip it shut.这袋子装得太满,拉链都拉不上了。 •This dress zips (up) at the back.这件连衣裙的拉链在背部。 •Zip your coat up , it's cold outside.把外套的拉链拉上,外面很冷。 [zɪp] verb (-pp-) GO QUICKLY 快速移动 intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep] informal ■to move or go somewhere very quickly 快速移动;迅速去(某处)•I'm just going to zip along to the shops - I won't be long.我就去商店转一圈——时间不会很长的。 •We were about to cross the road when a car suddenly zipped past.我们正准备过马路,这时一辆汽车突然飞驰而过。 ⇒ See also zap [zɪp] verb (-pp-) COMPUTING 电脑操作 transitive ■to compress (= reduce the size of) a computer file so that it uses less space, and can be more easily sent or stored 压缩(电脑文件)•If you're desperate for disk space you could zip the file (up) and stick it on a floppy.如果你的磁盘空间不足,可以把档进行压缩,复制到软碟上。 [zɪp] verb (-pp-) zip it slang ■a rude and angry way of telling someone to stop talking 表示叫人住嘴(此表达方式粗鲁且充满怨愤)•Just zip it, mate, I'm fed up with you.住嘴,伙计,我受够你了。 [zɪp] verb (-pp-) Phrasal Verbs [M] zip sth/sb up ■to fasten a piece of clothing by using its zip, or to help someone close the zip on a piece of clothing they are wearing 拉上…的拉链;帮(某人)拉上拉链•Could you zip me up, please?请帮我拉上拉链,好吗? •Zip up your jacket, it's cold out there.把上衣的拉链拉上,外面很冷。 |