内容推荐 本报告共分三章:章结合中非经贸关系实际情况、中非之间出现的各类案件以及中非在推动靠前经贸规则改革中的作用,分析了中非双边法制合作的重要性;第二章考察了中非之间双边法制合作的现状,并结合中非现有双边条约的具体规定,探讨了中非双边法制合作存在的问题;第三章针对中非双边法制合作目前存在的问题,就如何完善中非双边法制合作提出有针对性的建议,以期在将来为中非经贸关系的发展营造一个全面、综合、立体的法治环境。 目录 Introduction Chapter 1 The Importance of China-Africa Bilateral Legal Cooperation 1.1 The Need of Safeguarding Long-term Healthy Development 1.2 The Need of Solving Legal Problems in China and Africa 1.3 The Need to Promote the Reform of International Economic and Trade Rules Chapter 2 The Current Situation and Deficiencies of China-Africa Bilateral Legal Cooperation 2.1 China-Africa Bilateral Investment Protection Treaties 2.2 China-Africa Bilateral Civil and Commer Judi Assistance Treaties 2.3 Problems Existing in Bilateral Civil and Commer Judi Assistance Treaties between China and Africa 2.4 China-Africa Bilateral Treaties on Criminal Judi Assistance 2.5 Bilateral Agreements on the Avoidance of Double Taxation between China and Africa Chapter 3 The Improvement of Legal Cooperation between China and Africa 3.1 Improving the Existing Bilateral Legal Cooperation Framework between China and Africa 3.2 Negotiating and Concluding Bilateral Free Trade Treaties as soon as Possible 3.3 Expanding Areas of Bilateral Legal Cooperation between China and Africa 3.4 Attaching Importance to Multilateral Legal Cooperation Reference |