Chapter 1 Structure of the Vacuum
1.1 Metric and spatial classification
1.2 The basic assumptions of vacuum
1.3 The basic unit of vacuum static strain analysis
1.4 Space-time structure
Chapter 2 Structure of the Photons
2.1 The image of photon
2.2 Point translation strain is forming photonic in vacuum
2.3 Intrinsic structure of photon
2.4 The expression of photon strain in observational space
2.5 Complete field functions of free photons
Chapter 3 The Structure of Lepton
3.1 The strain εμν of lepton
3.2 Lepton mass
3.3 The lepton spin strain [ωij]
3.4 The intrinsic structure of lepton electric flux line
3.5 The characteristics outside the intrinsic space of lepton electric flux line field
3.6 Estimate of electromagnetic coupling constants
3.7 The complete field function of lepton
3.8 Several examples of generalized field equation of free particle
3.9 Neutrino
Chapter 4 Hadron Structure
4.1 The π meson structure
4.2 Proton structure
4.3 Quark
4.4 Gluon and string
Chapter 5 Gravitational Field
5.1 The vacuum principle of special relativity
5.2 The spatial characteristics of gravitational field
5.3 The relationship between gravitational field and quantum field
5.4 The curved space-time description
5.5 Gravitational field equation
5.6 Gravitational waves
Chapter 6 Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe
6.1 The universe come into being and extinction
6.2 Spherical stress waves that lead to vacuum fragmentation under the initial impact load of the explosion
6.3 The mechanism of the production of dark matter caused by vacuum rupture
6.4 The destruction scope of Big Bang to the vacuum
6.5 Energy distribution of dark energy stress wave in a vacuum
6.6 Dark energy of the universe
6.7 The species of dark energy in the universe
Chapter 7 Interaction and Super-unified Equation
7.1 Electromagnetic interaction
7.2 Weak interaction field
7.3 Higgs mechanism
7.4 Calculation of Weinberg angle Ow
7.5 Weak interaction of quark
7.6 Super-unified field equation
Chapter 8 Supplementary Notes on Some Basic Issues
8.1 Basic idea of quantum field
8.2 Quantum fluctuations and space-time rupture
8.3 The difference between vacuum unified theory and string/M theory
8.4 Vacuum interpretation of Dirac's "large number hypothesis"