内容推荐 本书尝试研究奥尼尔戏剧中渗透着的荒诞特征,共分为五章。第一章探讨了存在主义与荒诞的关系;第二章则探讨奥尼尔戏剧中反映出来的荒诞主义特征,及其与存在主义和一些荒诞主义剧作家之间的并置、重叠和差异。第三章至第五章对奥尼尔戏剧创作的三个时期体现的荒诞主义特征进行了具体分析。本书适合高校相关专业学生和研究者阅读。 作者简介 吴宗会,文学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为英美戏剧、文学及文化。近年来在《外语教学》《同济大学学报》等期刊上以第一作者发表学术论文19篇,主持或参与省部级各类科研项目了项,主编或参编教材4部。 目录 Introduction Chapter One Alienation: From Existentialism, the Absurd to O'Neillian Absurdity I. Repetition: An O'Neillian Family Curse II. Faithlessness: An O'Neillian Defiance of God III. Incommunicability: An O'Neillian Mode of Silence Chapter Two Authenticity: From Existentialism, the Absurd to O'Neill's Absurdity I. The Truth of Hopeless Hope II. The Significance of Struggle III. The Hatred of Death Chapter Three Man and Nature: The Absurdist Features in O'Neill's Early Plays I. Thirst: Silence and Survival II. Where the Cross Is Made :"Mary Allen" and Madness III. Gold: Deprivation and Defiance Chapter Four Man and Others: The Absurdist Features in O'Neill's Middle Plays I. The Hairy Ape: A Think for "Belonging" II. Strange Interlude : "The God-Mother" Matters III. Mourning Becomes Electra: "I'm The Last Mannon" Chapter Five Man and the Self: The Absurdist Features in O'Neill's Later Plays I. More Stately Mansions: A Courageous Facing of the "Mothering Self" II. The Iceman Cometh .. The Absurdist As A Philosopher III. Long Day's Journey into Night ~ A Family War of Anti-Surveillance Conclusion Bibliography 中文参考文献 后记 |