内容推荐 本书的第一部分专门介绍了黎曼流形之间调和映射理论的各个方面。第二部分提出了一些尚未解决的问题,并给出一些评注和参考文献,这些评注和参考文献的难度差别很大。本书首次在定性层面阐述了调和映射。 目录 Introduction Part I. Differential Geometric Aspects of Harmonic Maps 1. Operators on vector bundles 2. Harmonic maps 3. Some properties of harmonic maps 4. Second variation of the energy 5. Spheres and the behavior of the energy 6. The stress-energy tensor 7. Harmonic morphisms 8. Holomorphic and harmonic maps between almost Kader manifolds 9. Properties of harmonic maps between Kahler manifolds Part II. Problems Relating to Harmonic Maps 1. Existence of harmonic maps 2. Regularity problems 3. Holomorphic and conformal maps 4. Construction/classification of harmonic maps 5. Properties of harmonic maps 6. Spaces of maps 7. Noncompact domains 8. Variations on a theme Bibliography for Part I Supplementary bibliography for Part II