内容推荐 《一带一路倡议与中非产能合作(英文版)》由杨宝荣著。 “一带一路”倡议是新时代中国对外合作重要举措,其目标是通过更广泛国家的合作和发展模式,为世界发展提供多元化发展选择和发展动力,打造人类平衡惠普发展。“一带一路”倡议下的对外合作是中非合作共赢经验的推广,是中国倡导的新型国际关系的体现。21世纪以来,非洲在开放式自主发展理念主导下,制定的依托自身资源和市场潜力,以资源走廊、空间走廊、发展走廊为手段促进农业、矿业、基础设施建设,并最终实现非洲工业化发展和经济多元化发展目标,使非洲的市场活力不断释放,资源和市场潜力日益转化为现实增长力。非洲以市场为导向的行业经济发展规划是全球化条件下通过对外合作实现自身发展的重要体现,通过“一带一路”深化中非产能合作符合非洲国家的发展需要。 目录 Chapter One The Belt and Road Initiative and Its Core Concepts 1 Formation of the Belt and Road Initiative and Its Core Concepts 1.1 Formation of the Belt and Road Initiative and Its Basic Connotation 1.2 Principles and Features of the Belt and Road 2 The Belt and Road Initiative and Africa's Self-strengthening through Unity 2.1 Missions of China and Africa in the New Era 2.2 The Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 2.3 Missions of the Belt and Road and Africa's Self-strengthening through Unity in the New Era Chapter Two The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation 1 The Importance and Outline of Africa's Agricultural Development 1.1 The Importance of Agriculture to Africa's Development 1.2 The Outline of Africa's Agricultural Development 2 Trends and Experiences of Agricultural Cooperation between Africa and Other Countries 2.1 Reasons for International Focus on Agricultural Cooperation with Africa 2.2 Characteristics of Agricultural Cooperation between Africa and Other Countries 2.3 Problems in International Agricultural Cooperation with Africa 3 Pathways for Future China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation 3.1 Drawing on Experience of International Agricultural Investment 3.2 Being Based on Africa's Development Need 3.3 Innovating China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation Chapter Three The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Industrial Cooperation 1 The Importance and Outline of Africa's Industrialization and Development 1.1 History of Africa's Industrialization 1.2 The Status Quo of Africa's industrialization 1.3 Africa's Industrialization Strategy 2 Challenges to Africa's Industrialization 2.1 Constraints of Traditional Industrialization to Modem Industry 2.2 Gaps between the Level of Industrialization and Expectation of Modem Development 3 China-Africa Cooperation in Industrialization 3.1 Staging of China-Africa Cooperation in Industrialization 3.2 Views among Chinese Scholars about Promoting Africa's Industrialization 3.3 Promoting Africa's Industrialization through Win-win Cooperation Chapter Four The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Mining Cooperation 1 The Importance and Outline of Africa's Mining Development 1.1 The Importance of Africa's Mining Development 1.2 The Outline of Africa's Mining Development 2 Trends and Characteristics of International Cooperation with Africa in Mining 2.1 Regional Characteristics of Africa's Mineral Resource Development 2.2 Trends of International Cooperation with Africa in Mining 3 Scales and Experiences of China's Participation in Africa's Mining Development 3.1 China's Participation in Africa's Mining Industry 3.2 Experience of Mining Cooperation between China and Africa Chapter Five The Belt and Road Initiative and China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation 1 The Importance and Outline of Africa's Infrastructure Development 1.1 Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa 1.2 Major Projects in the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa 2 Africa's Capacity for Infrastructure Development and Trends for International Cooperation 2.1 Africa's Capacity for Infrastructure Development 2.2 Trends of Infrastructure Development Cooperation Between Africa and Other Countries 3 China's Cooperation with Africa in Infrastructure Development 3.1 Achievements and Challenges in China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation 3.2 Evaluation of the Future Environment for China-African Infrastructure Cooperation 3.3 Pathways for Future China-Africa Infrastructure Cooperation References