cake [keɪk] noun FOOD 食品 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and sugar 蛋糕•Would you like a piece of/a slice of/some cake?你想来块/片/点蛋糕吗? •chocolate/sponge cake巧克力/海绵蛋糕 •a birthday/christmas cake生日/圣诞蛋糕 •cream cakes鲜奶油蛋糕 •He made/baked a delicious cake.他做/烤了个美味的蛋糕。 ⇒ See also oatcake,pancake [keɪk] noun SHAPE 形状 countable ■a small flat object made by pressing together a soft substance 饼状物•fish/potato cakes鱼/马铃薯饼 •a cake of soap一块肥皂 [keɪk] noun have your cake and eat it ■to have or do two good things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time 两者兼得•You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.你不能二者兼得——想获得更多的地方服务就不能指望少付税金。 [keɪk] noun the slice/share of the cake ■the amount of money, goods, etc., available 可得到的一份钱财(或货物等)•Everyone should have a fair slice of the cake.每个人都应公平地分到一份。 [keɪk] verb transitive usually passive ■to cover something or someone thickly with a substance that then dries out (用会变干的东西厚厚地)覆盖•The men were caked in layers of filth and grime.他们身上积了一层层污垢。 •boots caked with mud黏着泥巴的靴子 |