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内容推荐 苏珊·S.兰瑟著的《虚构的权威:女性作家与叙述声音(英文版)》是一部以女性主义和叙事学交叉的视野和方法建构“女性主义叙事学”理论的学术力作。作者对简·奥斯丁、乔治·艾略特、托妮·莫里森等欧美主要女性作家的叙事文本进行深度解读,在结构主义的经典叙事学形式分析方法中注入了女性主义文学批评有关政治的、性别的、社会历史的和意识形态的内容,具有理论的开创性意义。 目录 Acknowledgments Introduction Toward a Feminist Poetics of Narrative Voice The Rise of the Novel, the Fall of the Voice: Juliette Catesby's Silencing Part I. Authorial Voice 3 In a Class by Herself: Self-Silencing in Riccoboni's Abeille 4 Sense and Reticence: Jane Austen's "Indirections" 5 Woman of Maxims: George Eliot and the Realist Imperative 6 Fictions of Absence: Feminism, Modernism, Virginia Woolf 7 Unspeakable Voice: Toni Morrison's Postmodern Authority Part II. Personal Voice 8 Dying for Publicity: Mistriss Henley's Self-Silencing 9 Romantic Voice: The Hero's Text 10 Jane Eyre's Legacy: The Powers and Dangers of Singularity 11 African-American Personal Voice: "Her Hungriest Lack" Part III. Communal Voice 12 Solidarity and Silence: MiUenium Hall and The Wrongs of Woman 13 Single Resistances: The Communal "I" in Gaskell, Jewett, and Audoux 14 (Dif)fusions: Modern Fiction and Communal Form 15 Full Circle: Les Gugrilleres Index