内容推荐 周晓农的《中国公共卫生(热带病防治实践血吸虫病)(英文版)》回顾了中国血防历程,分析了中国不同阶段血吸虫病疫情变化以及防治策略的演变,总结了防治技术手段创新以及多部门合作工作机制在推动血吸虫病从控制走向消除进程中的重要作用。通过多年努力,截至2016年底,全国12个血吸虫病流行省(直辖市、自治区)中,5个省份通过血吸虫病消除达标复核,1个省份达到传播阻断标准,6个省份达到传播控制标准。该书提炼了中国血防经验,讲述了中国血防故事,将为其他中低收入国家的血吸虫病防控工作提供范例,有助于相关国家提高全民健康覆盖,以应对2030年实现联合国可持续发展目标所面临的挑战。 目录 Preface Chapter 1 History of Schistosomiasis Japonica in China 1.1 Discovery of schistosomiasis in China 1.2 History of the National Schistosomiasis Control Programme in China 1.3 Epidemiological features of schistosomiasis in different endemic regions in China 1.4 Burden and impact of schistosomiasis Chapter 2 Schistosomiasis Endemic, Diagnosis and Treatment in China 2.1 Diagnosis and treatment of acute schistosomiasis 2.2 Diagnosis and treatment of chronic schistosomiasis 2.3 Diagnosis and treatment of advanced schistosomiasis Chapter 3 Biology and Control of Oncomelania Snail in China 3.1 Biology of Oncomelania snail 3.2 Distribution and survey, of O.hupenesis in China 3.3 Control of Oncomelania hupensis Chapter 4 Progress on Schistosomiasis Research in China 4.1 Research advances on diagnostics 4.2 Advances in treatment 4.3 Advances in molluscicides application 4.4 Surveillance and early warning 4.5 Applicable technology Chapter 5 China's Experiences in the Combat of Schistosomiasis 5.1 Evolution of schistosomiasis control strategies in China 5.2 Development of water conservancy projects for the control of S.japonicum in China 5.3 Countermeasures for controlling schistosomiasis in domestic animals in China 5.4 Comprehensive agricultural measures for schistosomiasis control in China 5.5 Schistosomiasis prevention through afforestation Chapter 6 National Plan for Schistosomiasis Control and Achievements 6.1 Public Health Campaign 6.2 Strategic plan for the elimination of schistosomiasis in the P.R. China(2016-2025) 6.3 Monitoring and response systems for schistosomiasis 6.4 The response mechanism to the epidemic rebound of schistosomiasis 6.5 Challenges and requirements relating to schistosomiasis elimination and post-elimination