内容推荐 《新时代中非友好合作——新成就新机遇新愿景(英文版)》由李新烽、吴传华、张春宇著。 中国与非洲友谊源远流长,历来是命运共同体。中国特色社会主义进入新时代对世界产生重大影响,为非洲发展和中非友好合作带来新的历史机遇。近年来,中非关系保持良好发展勢头,中非合作不断迈上新台阶。中非政治互信持续增强,经贸合作保持强劲增长,人文交流合作不断扩大,合作日益深化,国际事务合作不断加强。新时代中非友好合作完全符合双方26亿人民的根本利益,完全顺应世界和平稳定与发展繁荣的历史潮流。未来中国更加需要非洲,非洲更加需要中国。双方坚持和平、发展、合作、共赢的原则,加强优势互补,实现共同发展,尤为需要加强三方面的对接:“一带一路”倡议与非盟《2063年议程》对接;国际产能合作与非洲工业化化战略对接,中国扶贫思想经验与非洲减贫计划对接。 目录 Introduction Chapter 1 The Great Achievements of China-Africa Friendly Cooperation in the New Era 1 The Political Foundation of China-Africa Friendly Cooperation is Constantly Consolidated 1.1 High-level China-Africa Exchanges Enhance Mutual Political Trust 1.2 China's Circle of Friends in Africa Continues to Expand 1.3 China and Africa Strengthen Cooperation in International Affairs 2 Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Africa Continues to Grow 2.1 China-Africa Trade Cooperation 2.2 China-Africa Investment Cooperation 2.3 China-Africa Cooperation in Contracted Projects 2.4 Development Cooperation between China and Africa 3 China-Africa People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation Expand 3.1 China-Africa Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation 3.2 China-Africa Educational Exchanges and Cooperation 3.3 China-Africa Medical and Health Exchanges and Cooperation 3.4 China-Africa News Media Exchanges and Cooperation 3.5 Other People-to-People Exchanges and Cooperation between China and Africa 4 China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Deepens 4.1 Destabilizing Factors in Peace and Security in Africa 4.2 China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Has Achieved Remarkable Results 4.3 The Significance of China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Chapter 2 New Opportunities and Challenges for China-Africa Friendly Cooperation in the New Era 1 World Economic Recovery Brings New Opportunities for China-Africa Friendly Cooperation 1.1 The Global Economy is Recovering and Developing Well 1.2 Emerging Economies Maintain Good Development 1.3 Global New Economy and New Industries Rise Fast 1.4 The International Community Increasingly Focuses on Africa 2 China's Development in the New Era Brings New Opportunities for China-Africa Friendly Cooperation 2.1 China Has Made Great Achievements in 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up 2.2 China Continues to Expand and Deepen Its Opening-up 2.3 China Strives to Promote Industrial Transformation and Upgrading 2.4 China Steps up Efforts to Develop Digital Economy 2.5 China Leads the Establishment of New Financial Institutions 2.6 China Actively Promotes International Tripartite Cooperation 2.7 Progress of RMB Internationalization in Africa 3 Africa's Independent Sustainable Development Brings New Opportunities for China-Africa Friendly Cooperation 3.1 African Economy Develops Steadily 3.2 Effects of Diversification of African Economies Begins to Show 3.3 The Trend of Independent Development in Africa Has Become Apparent 3.4 African Countries' Economic Policy Environments Have Been Optimized 3.5 Africa's Mobile Finance Industry is Developing 3.6 The Process of Regional Integration in Africa is Strengthening 3.7 Prospects for Africa's Future Development Are Good 4 China-Africa Friendly Cooperation Faces New Challenges in the New Era. 4.1 The Complicated and Ever-Changing International Situation Has Brought New Challenges to China-Africa Friendly Cooperation 4.2 Unfavorable Factors in Afi'ican Development Bring New Challenges to China-Africa Friendly Cooperation 4.3 The Influence of the New Normal of the Chinese Economy and International Factors on China-Africa Cooperation Chapter 3 New Vision of China-Africa Friendly Cooperation in the New Era 1 Linking the Belt and Road Initiative and the AU's Agenda 2063 1.1 The Significance of the Belt and Road Initiative for the Development of the World and of Africa 1.2 Agenda 2063 and Prospects for Africa's Development 1.3 Linking the Belt and Road Initiative and Agenda 2063 2 Linking International Capacity Cooperation and African Industrialization Strategies 2.1 The Significance of International Capacity Cooperation for the Development of the World and of Africa 2.2 The Industrialization Strategy Is the Only Way to Ac |