内容推荐 英国漫长的18世纪(约1689-1850年,欧美近年英国文学研究惯常历史划分法)见证了帝国的兴起、印刷文化浸入日常社会生活、多种近代写作文类(美学、道德哲学、浪漫主义诗歌、政治经济学等)和近代个体社会形式的出现等。姜文涛著的《情感美学与近代文本文化的兴起:英国漫长的18世纪文学文化研究》以四个人物为对象、兼顾不同文类、以情感美学和文本文化之间的关系为主线,讨论印刷和文本文化兴起背景中的近代感觉感官的形成和发展,勾勒出一幅西方现代性语境中的内在主体性历史轮廓。 目录 Chapter I Sentiment and Its Inward Turn around the 1740s Chapter II Rhetoric and the Rise of Modern Aesthetics: Emotions in Edmund Burke's Philosophical Inquiry 33 Chapter III Practicing Passions: David Hume and His Philosophy in Writing Chapter IV Poetic Mediality and Feminine Sentiments in William Wordsworth's Early Poems: Gender, Modern Literature, and Textual Mediation Chapter V Theatricality of Moral Sentiments, Institutions of Sympathy, and Adam Smith: Empire and the Coming of the Unconscious Chapter VI Specters of Crowds in Late Qing Print Culture: Nationalism, Subjectivity and the Rise of Modem Chinese Textual Media Bibliography Index 后记