内容推荐 甄海生著的《旋转逆转火焰的热特性和污染排放特性》旨在研究以液化石油气(LPG)为燃料的一种基于旋流的、超稳定燃烧的逆转扩散火焰(IDF)的热、污染和传热特性,主要以检验实验性质为主。第一章为概况和动机;第二张是研究的背景,其中包含与逆扩散火焰相关的前期工作的详细文献回顾;第三章介绍了实验装置、仪器和测量方法;第四章到第七章,分别介绍火焰外观、火焰结构、火焰温度场、火焰稳定气体种类、火焰冲击热传递、火焰比较等;第八章是旋转火焰的数值模拟,计算结果作为实验研究的补充;最后,在第九章中对本书的研究结果和结论进行了全面的讨论,并对今后的工作提出了建议。 本书作为研究旋转、逆转火焰的学术类专著,具有较高的学术价值,对于专门从事研究旋转、逆转火焰的科研人员及学术类研究群体具有非凡意义。 作者简介 甄海生,男,1979年出生于河北省唐山市,吉林大学学士,哈尔滨工业大学硕士,香港理工大学哲学博士。2006年赴香港从师梁振华、张镇顺教授,研究火焰燃烧热特征,污染物排放及冲击换热长达10余年。现任职海南大学,机电工程学院火焰燃烧方向学术带头人,‘火焰与燃烧实验室’主任。带领团队的研究对象和内容涵盖预混、非预混,层流、湍流,旋流、非旋流,富氧、贫氧和富氢火焰;传统石化燃料和可再生新燃料;火焰燃烧的热释放、污染物产成机理和控制,洁净燃烧和节能减排技术开发和利用;火焰热释放和热能高效利用;以及燃烧噪音机理和防治。涉及学科包括工程热物理,热力学,传热学,化学反应动力学,流体力学,计算流体力学及声学等。 目录 作者简介 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Combustion and flame 1.2 Inverse diffusion flame 1.3 Scope and objective of study CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Review of normal diffusion flame 2.2 Review of inverse diffusion flame 2.3 Review of swirl combustion 2.4 Summary CHAPTER 3 EXPERMENTAL APPARATUS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Burner designs 3.3 Flowmeters calibration 3.4 Temperature measurement 3.5 Flame photography 3.6 In-flame gaseous species measurement 3.7 Flue gas measurement 3.8 Heat transfer measurement 3.9 Error analysis 3.9.1 Uncertainty in φ 3.9.2 Uncertainty in Re 3.9.3 Uncertainty in T 3.9.4 Uncertainty in flame length 3.9.5 Uncertainty in concentration CHAPTER 4 FLAME CHARACTERISTICS AND TEMPERATURE 4.1 Flame appearance 4.1.1 Varying Re at fixed φ 4.1.2 Varying φ at fixed Re 4.1.3 Varying S' at fixed φ and Re 4.2 Flame structure 4.3 Temperature field 4.4 The effect of Re and φ on temperature CHAPTER 5 FLAME EMISSIONS 5.1 In-flame stable gaseous species 5.1.1 O2 concentration 5.1.2 CO2 concentration 5.1.3 CO concentration 5.1.4 NOx concentration 5.2 The effects of Re and φ 5.2.1 O2 concentration 5.2.2 CO2 concentration 5.2.3 CO concentration 5.2.4 NOx concentration 5.3 Overall pollutant emissions CHAPTER 6 FLAME IMPINGEMENT HEAT TRANSFER 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Impinging flame structure 6.3 Wall static pressure 6.4 Flame temperature 6.5 Effects of H on the local heat flux 6.6 Effects of φ on the local heat flux 6.7 Effects of Re on the local heat flux 6.8 Effects or S'on the local heat flux CHAPTER 7 COMPARISON OF FLAMES 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Comparison of IDFs with and without swirl 7.2.1 Comparison of flame appearance 7.2.2 Comparison of emission index 7.2.3 Comparison of heat transfer 7.3 Comparison of swirling IDF with premixed flame 7.3.1 Comparison of flame appearance and structure 7.3.2 Comparison of flame stability 7.3.3 Comparison of flame temperature 7.3.4 Comparison of in-flame gaseous emissions 7.3.5 Comparison of emission index CHAPTER 8 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE ISOTHERMAL FLOW 8.1 Background 8.2 Mesh generation 8.3 Initial and boundary conditions 8.4 Turbulence models 8.5 Computational results 8.5.1 Velocity vector 8.5.2 Air/fuel mixing 8.5.3 Swirl strength 8.6 Comparison with experiments 8.6.1 Flow Structure 8.6.2 Swirl Number 8.7 Summary of numerical simulation CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 9.1 Conclusions 9.1.1 Burner testing 9.1.2 Flame appearance and structure 9.1.3 Flame temperature 9.1.4 In-flame stable gaseous species 9.1.5 Overall pollutant emissions 9.1.6 Heat transfer 9.1.7 Comparison of flames Swirling and non-swirling IDFs Swirling IDF and swirling PMF Potential application of swirling IDF 9.2 Recommendation for future work REFERENCES