内容推荐 黎曼曲面单值化定理是数学中最美丽且最重要的定理之一。它不仅给出了黎曼曲面的一个清晰的分类,而且也激发了许多新的方法。例如,它的证明激发了黎曼-希尔伯特对应和皮卡-富克斯方程,并且单值化的高维推广包含了卡拉比-丘流形。 季理真、丘成桐主编的《单值化黎曼-希尔伯特对应卡拉比-丘流形和皮卡-富克斯方程(英文版)(精)》包括来自世界各地的专家就书名中的四个主题精心撰写的综述性文章,全面讨论了这四个主题以及它们之间的关系。本书对于初学者是一本非常有价值的入门书,也可作为其他数学家的参考书。 目录 Hypergeometric Functions, from Riemann till Present Frits Beukers Picard-Fuchs Uniformization of Modular Subvarieties Brent Doran, Charles F. Do'ran, and An,drew Hatrder Poincare's Path to Uniformization Connemara Doran Exploring Modular Forms and the Cohomology of Local Systems on Moduli Spaces by Counting Points Gerard 'uan der Geer Moduli Spaces of Compact Riemann Surfaces: Their Complex Structures and an Overview of Major Results Lizhen Ji The Morrison-Kawamata Cone Conjecture and Abundance on Ricci Flat Manifolds Vladimir Lazic, Kezji Oguiso, and Thomas Petefrnell Conformal Geometry and the Painleve VI Equation Chang-Shoun Calabi-Yau Metrics: Mirror Symmetry, Hitchin Systems and Instanton Corrections Wenxuan Lu Quasiconformal Mappings, from Ptolemy's Geography to the Work of Teichmuller Athanase Papadopoulos Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, Irregular Singularities and Hodge Theory Claude Sabbah Krichever-Novikov Type Algebras and Wess-Zumino-Novikov- Witten Models Martin, Schlichenmaier Moduli of Canonically Polarized Manifolds, Higher Order Kodaira-Spencer Maps, and an Analogy to Calabi-Yau Manifolds Georg Schumacher Calabi-Yau Operators Duco van, Straten A Survey on Toric Mirror Symmetry Hsian-llua Tseng Dynamical Systems on Analytic Manifolds of Quadratic Differentials: Chapter I F-Structures William A. Veech Aspects on Calabi-Yau Moduli Chin,-Lu'n,g Wang Degeneration of Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Its Applications Yuguang Zhang Mirror Symmetry for Plane Cubics Revisited Jie Zhou