内容推荐 本套教材共四册,是面向高中英语水平以上的学生而编写的强化阅读教程。本套书的词汇量起点为最基础的3 000个单词,通过计算机程序筛选,以英国国家语料库最常用词汇列表的前11部分为基准,每册书增加2 000个新词,四册书的词汇覆盖量达到11 000。每册各包含十个单元,每单元由FOCllS on、TextA和Text B三部分组成。 李修江、郭璐宁主编的《出国留学英语阅读强化教程(精通)》帮助学生掌握第9000~11000的两千词汇量;Focus on板块聚焦批判性阅读和批判性思维,加深学生对批判性阅读及批判性思维的理解。 目录 Leaders and Leadership Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (1) Section II Text A: Leaders and Leadership Section III Text B: Matilda--The Queen Who Rewrote the Rules... Mysteries of the World Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (2) Section II Text A: The Whole Universe Catalog Section III Text B: Aliens Among Us Food and Nutrients Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (3) Section II Text A: Food Elements and Their Uses Section III Text B: The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition Women's Roles Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (4) Section II Text A: The Making of a Revolution Section III Text B: Peculiar Responsibilities of American Women. The Spirit of America and England Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (5) Section II Text A: The Spirit of America Section III Text B: The Spirit of England The Origin of Human Beings Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (6) Section II Text A: The Descent of Man Section III Text B: Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands Natural Calamities Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (7) Section II. Text A: San Francisco and Its Terrific Earthquake Section III Text B: Charleston, Galveston, ]ohnstown--Our American Disasters This Is America Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (8) Section II Text A: What Is America Section III Text B: Origin of the Anglo-Americans and Its ImportanGe in Relation to Their Future Condition Books Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (9) Section II Text A: On the Choice of Books Section III Text B: The Use of Books in Early Irish Monasteries I Wealth and Happiness Section I Focus on Critical Thinking and Critical Reading (10) Section II Text A: The Scent of Money Section III Text B: And They Lived Happily Ever After