A Chronology of Henry Mackenzie
A Chronology of Robert Bage
A Chronology of Jane West
A Chronology of Jane Austen
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Sensibility and Its Social and Ethical
Implications. The Case of Henry Mackenzie
Chapter 3 Sensibility and Politics during the French
Revolution: Robert Bage vs. Jane West
Chapter 4 Transforming Sensibility. Jane Austen's
Dialectical Imagination
Chapter 5 Sensibility and Ethics. "Jane Austen's
Moral Discourse
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Appendix A Sophia Sentiment's Letter to the Editor in The Loiterer
(facsimile reproduction), Vol. 1, No. 9
Appendix B Henry Austen's Essay in The Loiterer
(facsimile reproduction), Vol. 1, No. 27
Appendix C James Austen's Essay in The Loiterer
(facsimile reproduction), Vol. 1, No. 29
Select Bibliography