Ulrich Pfammatter编著的《全球可持续建筑设计资料集——为变化的文化与气候而建造》旨在鼓励各个领域的规划和设计都能本着可持续的原则进行。本书深入探索了潜在的可持续策略,抓住建筑环境中的关键点,并将其融入到历史和传统文化中。本书共收录了333个项目,反映了建筑和以工程为基础的设计过程中的重要阶段。
Foreword Stefan Behnisch
Preface Ulrich Pfammatter-Brugger
1 Genius Loci Unique Places in a State of Change
2 Building in Extreme Situations
3 Space, Structure and the Climate Challenge
4 The Nature of Materials and the Future of Materials Technology
5 Architectural Memory:Industrial Culture and Transformation Strategies
Literature & Sources
Journals and Monographs
Project Index
People&Organisations Index