Unit 1 Why Focusing on Grammar
1. What is‘grammar'?
1.1 Prescriptive grammar
1.2 Descriptive grammar
1.3 Differences between prescriptive and descriptive
2. Why is it important for a second language learner
learn grammar?
2.1 Grammar is an integral part of a language
2.2 Grammar is a vital tool to achieve effective
2.3 Grammar remains a difficult object of learning for
countless schoolchildren
Unit 2 How Do Second Language
Learners Acquire Grammar
1. Idealized grammar vs. detailed grammar
2. The grammar on grammar books and in real-life
language use
3. How do second language learners acquire grammar?
Unit 3 Introduction to Major Approaches to
Grammar Teaching
1. Major approaches to grammar teaching
2. Teach grammar with a priority of Focus on FormS
3. Teach grammar with a priority of‘Focus on Meaning'
4. Teach grammar with a priority of‘Focus on Form'
Unit 4 Defining Tasks and Task Types
1. Defining a‘task'
2. Task-based approach in second language teaching and
3. Task design features
4. Task implementation variables
Unit 5 Analyzing Activities in Second Language
Grammar Teaching
1. Activities with a priority of Focus on FormS (FoFS)
1.2 ‘Structuring‘activities
2. Activities with a priority of Focus on Meaning (FoM)
3. Activities with a priority of Focus on Form (FoF)
3.1 Input-based activities
3.1.1 Listening activity
3.1.2 Reading activity
3.1.3 Dictogloss tasks
3.2 Output-based activities
3.2.1 Jigsaw tasks
3.2.2 Planning tasks
3.2.3 Reflection tasks Editing tasks Reformulation tasks
Unit 6 Writing of Task Instructions
1. Teach adverbs
2. Teach conjunctives
3. Teach countable/uncountable nouns
4. Teach future tense
5. Teach‘-ing'form of verbs
6. Teach comparative and superlative of adjectives
7. Teach‘Wh-'questions
8. Teach‘there be'structure
9. Teach negative sentence
10. Teach imperatives
11. Teach past tense
12. Teach past progressive
13. Teach possessives
14. Teach modals
15. Teach passive voice
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III