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书名 | 商务交流(双语版高职高专十二五规划教材) |
分类 | 经济金融-经济-贸易 |
作者 | 刘晓鹏//崔发强 |
出版社 | 化学工业出版社 |
下载 | ![]() |
简介 | 编辑推荐 刘晓鹏、崔发强主编的《商务交流》是一本较系统、较全面地介绍英语沟通技巧的工具书,又是一本应用于商务管理情境的英语实用文专辑。对关键内容配有汉语同步译文,便于阅读和使用。本书在总结前人研究成果及编者多年教学积累的基础上,以实用性、适用性为原则,力求帮助具有一定水平的英文学习者掌握各种信息的交流技巧,并解决在实际口头或书面交流时遇到的种种困难。 内容推荐 刘晓鹏、崔发强主编的《商务交流》以商务和管理活动为背景,按由简到繁、先基础后提高的思路编排,内容包括:有效信函的基础、各种信息的传达、求职,以及大型会议的演讲、报告等。最后设习题,便于读者练习和自我检测。 《商务交流》适用于高职高专经贸类专业以及其他相关专业的师生使用,也可以作为涉外企业从业人员的自学资料。 目录 1.Communication s Foundation1 1.1The importance communication1 1.2The managerial functions of communication1 1.3Formats for letters,memos,and email messages2 1.3.1Formats for letters2 1.3.2Formats for Memos13 1.3.3Formats for eMail Messages17 2.The Structure of Your document20 2.1Choosing words20 2.2Developing sentences20 2.3Developing paragraphs22 2.3.1What is a paragraph?22 2.3.2The Basic Rule:Keep One Idea to One Paragraph22 2.3.3Elements of a Paragraph22 3.How to Start/Answer/End Letters24 3.1How to Start Your Letter24 3.1.1Thank You letter24 3.1.2A Letter of Request25 3.1.3Introduction letter25 3.2How to Answer Letter25 3.2.1Complaint Letter26 3.2.2Decline Letter27 3.3How to End Letter28 4.Good News29 4.1How to Write a Subject Line29 4.1.1Making Subject Lines Specific30 4.1.2Making Subject Lines Concise30 4.1.3Making Subject Lines Appropriate for the Pattern of Organization30 4.2The Organization of Good News31 4.3When to use reader benefits 32 4.4The most common kinds of informative and positive messages33 4.4.1ThankYou and Congratulatory Notes33 4.4.2Adjustments and Responses to Complaints35 4.4.3Transmittals36 4.4.4Confirmations38 5.Bad News39 5.1The Parts of a Bad News39 5.1.1Subject Lines39 5.1.2Buffers40 5.1.3Reasons41 5.1.4Refusals42 5.1.5Alternatives42 5.1.6Endings43 5.2How to organize Negative Messages43 5.2.1Negative messages to clients and customers43 5.2.2Negative messages to superiors43 5.2.3Negative messages to peers and subordinates44 5.3Example44 6.How to Apologize & How to Make a Mild Complaint48 6.1How to Apologize48 6.2How to Make a Mild Complaining Letter50 6.2.1Background50 6.2.2Problem51 6.2.3Solution52 6.2.4Warning (optional)52 6.2.5Closing52 6.3Example52 7.Persuasive Messages54 7.1The importance of persuasive messages54 7.2The classification and features of persuasive messages55 7.3Choosing a Persuasive Strategy55 7.3.1What do you want people to do?56 7.3.2What objections, if any, will the audience have?56 7.3.3How strong a case can you make?57 7.3.4What kind of persuasion is best for the organization, and the culture?58 7.4Using Your Analysis to Choose a Persuasive Strategy58 7.4.1Writing Persuasive Direct Request59 7.4.2Writing Persuasive ProblemSolving Messages60 7.5Tone in Persuasive Messages63 7.6Varieties of Persuasive Messages64 7.6.1Collection Letters64 7.6.2Performance Appraisals66 7.6.3Letters of Recommendation67 7.7Solving a Sample Problem68 8.Identify Purposes of Writing and Building Goodwill72 8.1To build goodwill72 8.2To create youattitude72 8.3Positive emphasis78 8.4Reducing bias78 9.Reports80 9.1Title page81 9.2Letter or memo of transmittal83 9.3Table of contents85 9.4List of illustrations85 9.5Executive summary86 9.6Introduction87 9.7Background or History88 9.8Conclusions and Recommendations88 10.Graphs and Other Visuals90 10.1When to use visuals91 10.2Designing visuals92 10.3Integrating visuals in your text98 11.Citing and Referencing99 11.1Intext citation99 11.2Bibliography/References101 12.Resume103 12.1When to prepare your job hunting103 12.2Evaluating your strengths and interests104 12.3What to include in a resume105 12.4Guidelines for resume107 12.5Mistakes and errors in a resume111 12.6Dealing with difficulties111 13.Making Oral Presentations 113 13.1Dealing with fear113 13.2Purposes in oral presentations114 13.3Planning a strategy for your presentation114 13.4Your opening and close should be strong115 13.4.1Your opener115 13.4.2Your End117 13.5Planning PowerPoint Slides117 13.6Organizing your information118 13.7Delivering a presentation118 13.8An example presentation text119 14.Organizing a meeting120 14.1First decide if you need to have a meeting120 14.2How to organize a meeting120 14.2.1Identify the need for a meeting121 14.2.2Planning a meeting121 14.2.3Arranging a meeting124 14.2.4Preparing for a meeting124 14.2.5Running a meeting125 14.2.6Finalizing & issuing the agreed minutes125 14.3During a meeting125 14.3.1At the beginning, you d have Small Talk125 14.3.2Welcome126 14.3.3Introductions126 14.3.4Roll Call/Apologies127 14.3.5Objectives127 14.3.6Following the Agenda128 14.3.7Closing a Meeting132 14.4Vocabulary for meetings134 Exercises137 |
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