This book is conceived as a companion to the festival Alt. +1000. High Altitude features works of contemporary imagemakers who approach the mountain in its varied, multiple states. The famous tandscape photographer Otto Becket has been invited to make a portrait of a natural park located in the foothil.[s of the A[ps. Unspoiled nature versus the man-attered mountain--a dichotomy that has sparked the imaginations of generations of mountain lovers--will thus be interpreted by a selected group of talented artists, whose visions are far removed from those of tourist postcards.
Marco Costantini, Louis Paschoud, Savary
Introduction. Ce desir de montagne/This Desire for the Mountain
Nathalie Herschdorfer
Olaf Otto Becker: En residence /In-Residence Herschdorfer
Comme une image/Like an Image
Bernard Debarbieux
Identite et heritage. Le concours AIt. +1000/
Identity and Heritage: The AIt. +1000 Competition.
Elena Foster
Laureats du concours/Competition Winners
Noemie Richard
Optique alpine/Alpine Optics
Tobia Bezzota
Altitude. Travaux du Royal College of Art de Londres/
Altitude: Works by the Royal College of Art, London
OI.ivier Richon
Premieres explorations: Les photographes decouvrent la montagne/
First Steps: Photographers Discover the Mountain
Marta Caraion
Remerciements / Acknowledgments